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  1. #271


    How many years has the church been advocating "Natural Family Planning Method Only"? Tell me, has it worked so far for the majority? As for prevention of AIDS and other STDs, how the "Abstinence Method" working so far? I hear that we have zero cases of STDs here in the Philippines..

    Simply put, their efforts have failed! Miserably.

    Maybe it's time to introduce new methods? I don't see why they are against access to modern methods of contraception..

  2. #272
    On contraceptions being used to prevent STDs:

    "She [the Catholic Church] of course does not regard it as a real or moral solution, but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality."

    -Pope Benedict XVI-

    At the very least, the pope has seen the other side.. This is a small step but a significant one just the same.

    Off Topic ni since Palma's statement was for having more kids, but good to know that at the very least, the Holy See has woken up to the modern world...

  3. #273

  4. #274
    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    On contraceptions being used to prevent STDs:

    "She [the Catholic Church] of course does not regard it as a real or moral solution, but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality."

    -Pope Benedict XVI-

    At the very least, the pope has seen the other side.. This is a small step but a significant one just the same.

    Off Topic ni since Palma's statement was for having more kids, but good to know that at the very least, the Holy See has woken up to the modern world...
    saon ang ubang church leaders diri pro STD man este against man sa use of condoms..

  5. #275
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  6. #276
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xian120 View Post
    what do you mean unusual practice or premature withdrawal? how is marital foreplay a conjugal act when it is the desire and lust for the flesh that drives it?..

    for me s*x is an instrument to strengthen the relationship between partners, it's human need.. it's author is our gene.. the one who have jurisdiction over it is us,. and the one's who will face the consequence if ever negative results will arise is us, not the ones who tell us to Trust in the Lord and multiply as many as we wish..
    Unusual practice means those acts that are outside the norms. Â*Withdrawal is like what you do when you masturbate. I guess it's pretty much self-explanatory.Â*

    *** is more than the drive of the flesh. Â*When you put a period after that you make it look like its evil in itself. Â*It has a deeper meaning and purpose.
    Strengthen a relationship? Is that all you understood of it? Why do we need a relationship in the first place? Answer: because we need love. And unless we acknowledge the source of this so-called love then all our futile attempts at substituting it would be in vain.Â*

    It is a relief however that you mentioned consequence bec. it could only mean that you believe in good and evil, in reward and punishment because honestly, *** is a gift. It is intended for procreation and the bonding and nurturing of children. It is an expression of love between spouses. Â*The sexual act can be thought of as wedding vows and promises made flesh. On a couple’s wedding day, they promise that their love will be free, faithful, total, and open to life. Each act of marital intercourse should be a renewal of these vows.Â*

    That is what the church is implying. Not the other way around. As one author put it:
    "If it can be shown that contraception compromises intimacy between a husband and wife, invites selfishness into the marital act, and opens a door for greater infidelity, then contraception is a cancer to civilization itself."

  7. #277
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post

    How many years has the church been advocating "Natural Family Planning Method Only"? Tell me, has it worked so far for the majority? As for prevention of AIDS and other STDs, how the "Abstinence Method" working so far? I hear that we have zero cases of STDs here in the Philippines..

    Simply put, their efforts have failed! Miserably.

    Maybe it's time to introduce new methods? I don't see why they are against access to modern methods of contraception..
    To put it mildly, no they haven't failed. They actually worked! And please don't base it on statistics or the majority or how poor our country is or how uneducated/undereducated. Maybe you're just too focused on being human that you forgot your spirit. Learn about the countless number of couples who have been practicing it. And please don't equate success with material possessions and economic growth because that is a whole new level of subject that will put us off the course.
    STD can be prevented through monogamy. Besides, people with HIV nowAdays live longer lives than maybe you or me bec. Of advancements in science.

    And one more thing. Contraception is nothing new as far as the church is concerned. People in the old times have tried many things to prevent pregnancies. So your why-is-the-church-against-new-methods is ancient.
    Last edited by wenlove24; 01-23-2013 at 09:31 PM.

  8. #278
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Unusual practice means those acts that are outside the norms. Â*Withdrawal is like what you do when you masturbate. I guess it's pretty much self-explanatory.Â*

    *** is more than the drive of the flesh. Â*When you put a period after that you make it look like its evil in itself. Â*It has a deeper meaning and purpose.
    Strengthen a relationship? Is that all you understood of it? Why do we need a relationship in the first place? Answer: because we need love. And unless we acknowledge the source of this so-called love then all our futile attempts at substituting it would be in vain.Â*

    It is a relief however that you mentioned consequence bec. it could only mean that you believe in good and evil, in reward and punishment because honestly, *** is a gift. It is intended for procreation and the bonding and nurturing of children. It is an expression of love between spouses. Â*The sexual act can be thought of as wedding vows and promises made flesh. On a couple’s wedding day, they promise that their love will be free, faithful, total, and open to life. Each act of marital intercourse should be a renewal of these vows.Â*

    That is what the church is implying. Not the other way around. As one author put it:
    "If it can be shown that contraception compromises intimacy between a husband and wife, invites selfishness into the marital act, and opens a door for greater infidelity, then contraception is a cancer to civilization itself."
    no offense mate but there's too much cliche in what you're telling me,. i never want to dwell in such subjective subjects such as love and all that neat stuff they tell you in your high school scrapbook or in teen throb movies.. to me s*x is nothing but a tool for survival,. The reason for s*x is not only love or whatever you call it, it deserves a far more better explanation than that..

    S*x is intended for procreation and the bonding and nurturing of children
    The last part of this sentence dont sound right to me, nyahaha.. anyway if *** is intended for procreation then why the natural planning?

  9. #279
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    On contraceptions being used to prevent STDs:

    "She [the Catholic Church] of course does not regard it as a real or moral solution, but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality."

    -Pope Benedict XVI-

    At the very least, the pope has seen the other side.. This is a small step but a significant one just the same.

    Off Topic ni since Palma's statement was for having more kids, but good to know that at the very least, the Holy See has woken up to the modern world...
    I hope everyone would understand what the good pope meant and not use his statement to promulgate laws that are contrary to human dignity.

  10. #280
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xian120 View Post
    no offense mate but there's too much cliche in what you're telling me,. i never want to dwell in such subjective subjects such as love and all that neat stuff they tell you in your high school scrapbook or in teen throb movies.. to me s*x is nothing but a tool for survival,. The reason for s*x is not only love or whatever you call it, it deserves a far more better explanation than that..

    The last part of this sentence dont sound right to me, nyahaha.. anyway if *** is intended for procreation then why the natural planning?
    A tool for survival ey? Hehehe. Sounds no different to me than *** between animals purely driven by instinct. Kaluoy pud intawn.

    Because you did not invent the iphone, your knowledge is limited to its user guide. And since the patent isn't yours as well, you can neither claim ownership nor limit distribution to the market. Same thing with ***. We did not invent it so we cannot claim jurisdiction over its meaning and purpose.

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