These are extra items. The Wii S-Video Cable is unused the rest are slightly used the LAN Card still have store warranty. I will give 7 days personal warranty for the switch.
Contact number: 0922 2843950
Location: Near USC-TC
Meetups: Country Mall, IT Park, Ayala and SM
1. Edimax ES-3208P 8-port Switch
Edimax ES-3208P - 8 Ports Fast Ethernet Switch
price: 500
2. D-link DFE-520TX LAN Card (2 pcs.)
This was used only for pfSense and it's fully compatible in Standalone and VMWare setup of pfSense
price: 300 each or
500 both
3. HDMI Cable and VGA Cable
HDMI Cable:
VGA Cable:
4. CD-R King Wii S-Video Cable
price: 100 (no more last price)