Shouldn't you first be accusing THE MEDIA for not giving the entire transcript of the homily to the readers? We reacted to what we've read and what was written. We won't react on what was said entirely because we do not know- only a handful of us has attended the mass. And until people would show excerpts of the homily that would change the context of Palma's message the other way around, we stand by our ideals.
We're only reacting, not proving anything really. If you wanna prove that Palma meant another thing, then the burden of proof is entirely on you.
You can label all of us as Anti-Church and we wouldn't lose any sleep.
I believe in God and I believe in what I think would greatly benefit his creations- not some dumb, irrational bullsh*t people throw around. I don't believe in a bunch of old hypocritical farts who teach one thing and practice another.