Hello Friends,

Night terrors can be extremely traumatic for young children, not to mention frustrating for parents who want to comfort their child. The nighttime condition is characterized by a sudden arousal from sleep with a scream or cry, accompanied by intense fear. The episodes generally happen within the first half of the night and are often followed by partial or total amnesia after the incident. Several remedies can help children fight off night terrors and receive better, more relaxing sleep.

Night terrors can be triggered when a child does not receive adequate sleep for several days in a row and becomes overly tired. The Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford recommends making sure the child goes to bed at a regular time and early enough to receive the proper amount of sleep. Children may need to have a nap during the day if they are not receiving enough sleep at night. MayoClinic.com advises that preschoolers need at least 11 hours of sleep a night, while school-age children can get by on about 10 hours. Teenagers need about nine hours of sleep a night.

Best Wishes
Daquan Gibson

Maeng Da