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  1. #91

    Quote Originally Posted by burn777 View Post
    From my kmx to my bandit to mio to rouser to cbr wa jud tawn open pipe pero kaluoy sa diyos wa pa tawn ko na saghiran or nabanggaan..

    Except sa bali nga tiil kay gibangaan ug hubog nga driver..

    I still say responsible drivers saves lives not noisy pipes..

    Sakto jud na imo defensive driving boss..
    I had my first bike when i was a junior high, it was my dads honda xl, I wasn't around yet when they bought it, 10 years later my mom had it restored for me because she noticed that I was into bikes.. Back then, wearing a helmet was not strongly implemented, most def I could say at that time, I was not a responsible driver.. Point is, just because I didn't wear helmets before and didn't end up with a broken skull doesn't necessarily follow that helmets don't save lives..

    Following that logic.. It doesn't mean that just because you're not using noisy pipes and never had a fender bender doesn't mean its not effective @ saving lives.. Helmets, AHO, reflector vests, noisy pipes? Human factors state that no matter how responsible, drivers still are bound to err and end up depending on these..

  2. #92
    BIG thanks to my PIPE .. padaplin tanan nag tunga tunga sa sinulog ... wa rako ma late murag noraml ra ang dalan para sa ako

    it scares the hell out of them , too late to notice mio ra diay ako motor ..

  3. #93
    i report sa brgy or kwaa ang plet# i complaint sa LTO ...

  4. #94

    i think kana pa barangay pwede kaayo na since amicable man ata na nga issue as much as possible pwede ma isolate between both parties .. but reporting it to LTO? i doubt it first off wala may rules gi labag na amo loud pipes LMAO.. unless pipe without muffler which is againts LTO rules ....

    just my 2 cents

  5. #95
    adto isumbong ni Tulfo imo concern TS!

  6. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Renzoids View Post
    adto isumbong ni Tulfo imo concern TS!
    hahaha.. ayaw lang boss adto lang ko ni willie ui.. tagaan pta ug jacket

  7. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by dockie View Post
    BIG thanks to my PIPE .. padaplin tanan nag tunga tunga sa sinulog ... wa rako ma late murag noraml ra ang dalan para sa ako

    it scares the hell out of them , too late to notice mio ra diay ako motor ..
    tsk2 luoy tawn ang mga ga lakaw, wa na gani cla sidewalk boss padaplinun pajod ug maayo para lang sa motor,wa ta kahbaw ga dali pd dae to sil

  8. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by enf0rcer View Post
    naa dri sa amoa grabe kasaba...wala jud kaikog buntag sayo not against noisy pipes pero kung buntag pahinay lang sad mo oy ug adto lang mo pabulhot sa hiway... malooy sad mo sa mga bata nga nangatulog pa...
    sakto jd ka boss, adto lang jd dapat sa highway mag saba2

  9. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by dockie View Post
    suggestion lng nako nimo TS .. talked to the person . wala may tao na di ma approach , mauwaw na siya kung naa sad ka sakto na reason ..

    pero if ever wala ka sa imu property , maglagot lagot paka well be careful basin LIGSAN na nuon ka nila...
    di mana ma likayan boss gd kae even in residential properties naa g hapon mag saba2, and even if layo2 ka sa g ang sound kae mu banda2 bya so eventually ma abot rajod sa you cant just talk to all of the motorcycle that would pass by dba?

  10. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by burn777 View Post
    Akong awto perting hiloma.. no need man nako butangan ug tambutso nga saba para molingi ang pedestrian..
    Bisag nag truck pa ka naa jud taw molabang nga d mo lingi.. ug di mo lingi ikaw nalang likay.
    Again, drivers save lives, not loud pipes.
    sakto jd ka boss drivers saves lives not pipes kae we are always supposed to give way to pedestrians because they are our top priority as drivers, they are always defenseless against motorized vehicles so you must give way and not let the pipe do the talking. another thing to consider is even if sidewalk najod ga lakaw ang mga pedestrians (which wa jd gani ta sidewalk) samot na if traffic adto jd mu agi ang mga motor sa sidewalk dn mag rev2 pa luoy tawn ang mga tao, noticed alot of that in sinulog.

    maybe in defense pd sa mga driver, ang mga motor kae kasagaran sa right side man mu overtake, dli mana sakto by law kae you are supposed to overtake at the driver side jd to get noticed, we are not a right hand drive country man.

    pag friday saw an accident infront of me jd nah ang motor na igo sa fortuner kae the fortuner was turning left ang the whole of his body has crossed the other lane najod but ang motor kae ni pugos jd ug lusot while tnan nag hunong na, mi pugos jd sya maskin sidewalk na iya

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