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From my kmx to my bandit to mio to rouser to cbr wa jud tawn open pipe pero kaluoy sa diyos wa pa tawn ko na saghiran or nabanggaan..
Except sa bali nga tiil kay gibangaan ug hubog nga driver..
I still say responsible drivers saves lives not noisy pipes..
Sakto jud na imo defensive driving boss..
I had my first bike when i was a junior high, it was my dads honda xl, I wasn't around yet when they bought it, 10 years later my mom had it restored for me because she noticed that I was into bikes.. Back then, wearing a helmet was not strongly implemented, most def I could say at that time, I was not a responsible driver.. Point is, just because I didn't wear helmets before and didn't end up with a broken skull doesn't necessarily follow that helmets don't save lives..
Following that logic.. It doesn't mean that just because you're not using noisy pipes and never had a fender bender doesn't mean its not effective @ saving lives.. Helmets, AHO, reflector vests, noisy pipes? Human factors state that no matter how responsible, drivers still are bound to err and end up depending on these..