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Child Taken Hostage Killed by Police
Philippine National Police chief Director General Leandro Mendoza ordered the relief yesterday of the entire Pasay City police force from its chief down to the lowest ranked policeman, as a result of the bungled hostage rescue in the city that resulted in the death of a four-year-old hostage victim.
All 341 officers and men of the police station under Supt. Eduardo de la Cerna, who was earlier relieved from his post, will undergo retraining and re-orientation while a replacement force from the National Capital Regional Police Office will take over.
Meanwhile, National Police Crime Laboratory head Chief Supt. Jose Marlowe Pedregosa, said victim Dexter Balala succumbed to two fatal wounds in the head and left kidney.
Quoting autopsy results on the victim, Pedregosa said the victim, Dexter Balala suffered five stab wounds and five bullet wounds.
A bullet that hit the boy's heart and a stab wound in the back that hit his left kidney caused his death Pedregosa said.
The Crime Laboratory also revealed that slain-hostage-tagker Diomedio Talbo was tested positive for metamphetamine hydrocholride or shabu in the blood, indicating recent use of the prohibited drugs.
"This probably explains Talbo's unpredictable, erratic, and incoherent behavior as seen from video footage of the scene," said Deputy Director General Hermogenes Ebdane Jr., PNP deputy chief for administration.
De la Cerna said that a SWAT sniper claimed twice he tried to take out Talbo but his line of sight was blocked by "somebody" from the media.
At least eight security guards detailed at the Philtranco bus terminal where the botched hostage taking rescue attempt that killed the hostage taker and the four-year-old victim have undergone paraffin testing at the Southern Police District (SPD) Crime Laboratory in Makati City, along with 19 policemen.