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  1. #1

    Default Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    1. activate
    2. 30 second intervals
    3. bright and summery
    4. yesterday once more
    5. sweet nothings
    6. ...
    7. falling for you
    8. flatline
    9. *hidden track*

    for P150

    listening to the record right now. nice job on the follow up release! every buck i spent on this record was worth it!
    get a copy from gbox 0916-5397335, i think they'll be leaving some records at QUAD studio.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    wow!! payter ni dah..palit ko ani beh. =D

  3. #3

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    karong adlawa kani ra jud cd naa sa akong player gasigeg loop. sa sige nako paminaw naa ko nabantayan. ang tracklist murag nay storyline. ambot lng kung gituyo ba ni sa banda or accidental lang nako ni nabantayan.

    here it goes.. akoa rani intrepretation ha, and base ra sa song title ni, dili base sa lyric content. or, possible pud gapataka ra ko ug yawyaw, whichever the case, nalingaw lang jud ko paminaw ani nga record karon nga bisan unsa nalang ni sud sa ako hunahuna

    1. activate (suggests that it's a heart monitor)
    - a familiar room of 4 white corners, a patient delivered to his temporary bed space. not knowing if he'll be there in a couple of days or months. a device by his bed side was turned on.

    2. 30 second intervals (suggests that it has been turned on)
    - beeps and green dots flicker on the monitor. this will be his heartbeat for now

    3. bright and summery
    - on his left was the window and he watches the sun set from his shoulder. his eyelids half-closed. his breathing - weak.

    4. yesterday once more
    - he remembers the best time of his life on that same day when he was with her. their only company was the afternoon dusk. he remembers the moment, surprisingly accurate, as each second ticked by. a dear friend yet he wishes it was something more.

    5. sweet nothings
    - reality came back to him, depressing yet subtle. she has someone else and considers "the someone" significant to her life.

    6. ...
    - the mere thought of it along with his weakend condition. he is slumbering into somewhere deep... dark...

    7. falling for you
    - he grasps for one last breath and in a flash he realizes he has fallen for her and will never get the chance to show her.

    8. flatline
    - the interval beep is replaced by something steady, something flat and he... he... is gone.

    9. hidden track
    - and she will never know how much he felt for her... or didn't she?

    kung tinuyo man gani ni sa banda or unconsciously na butang ug ing ani ang tracklist, either way, bilib ko sa hidden thought sa record.

    - wa ra ko lingaw. laay office.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    gnhn jd ko perme sa ilang tukar..
    uu marsonfire, mrg naa btw connected story ang mga songs noh..?
    pro ang nahibaw-an ra nko na story k about sa cover concept..nag istorya mn mi ni chris (ilang gitarista) gbii sa launch..nya muto chika galore mi about sa cover..
    nice rba ang cover/packaging sa naa kuno 2versions sa cd..1 has the white colored design ug ang usa k silver kuno..
    prehu ta bai, gi-cge ra nko ug loop ang whole cd sa opis ganina..
    *trivia: naay 2 tracks sa cd na na release na sauna (well, dili jd hnuon tarung na release) pro gi-rerecord nila pra lng sa kani nga album- nya mas nndut ang karun nga version - dili jd sayang ang 150!

    btw, palit namu!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    paytera. palit ko ani! asa mi gibaligya? naay stock didto sa quad?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    payter to na gig... too bad wala nako abot sa twinkle kay work naman ko. but i do agree with the songs being connected... ngutana nya ko as twinkle about ani kung gi-tuyo ba.

    props to twinkle dudu.

    usa ni sila sa solid na banda since the late 90's. hangtod karon naa lang gihapon!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    Quote Originally Posted by xFreeAtLastx
    paytera. palit ko ani! asa mi gibaligya? naay stock didto sa quad?
    hui wala dyka nipalit atu ddtu sa mntuy baligya! ni-uli pd kag sayu noh?

    Quote Originally Posted by shoeless_rebel
    payter to na gig... too bad wala nako abot sa twinkle kay work naman ko. but i do agree with the songs being connected... ngutana nya ko as twinkle about ani kung gi-tuyo ba.

    props to twinkle dudu.

    usa ni sila sa solid na banda since the late 90's. hangtod karon naa lang gihapon!
    kaau solid na banda..
    props jd sa banda.. nndut kaau na mga style knang naay mga hidden stuff like connected story sa songs and stuff like that.. just goes to show na gihagu-an ug gi-huna2x jd pag-ayu sa banda ang album concept in general and not just dishing out songs for the album..
    sayang pd lge bai kay wala pd ko kaabut (mrg kamu tu akong last naabtan), as much as i wanted to see them pro naa pd ko work pag next day then considering na mga 9pm+ na naka start ang gig so mrg dugay2x jd mahuman..3am nmn knu nahuman, tnuod?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    wa pa man kabilin si gbox ug copies didto sa quad... basin puhon.. na busy lang tinagli. naka hisgot man to gbox ug chris nga magbilin daw sila. para accessible pud sa uban nga ganahan makakuha ug copy.

    nindot kaayo ang cd... nakapalit ko usa.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    [b]nuff sed by the peopls here. payter jud ang cd. worth it muleng! and ni mature jud sila sa ilang music. i love the sweet nothings. just like yesterday cge sad mi play repeat sa player nila shak hehehehe ig uli nako manila mao sad na ako buhaton for sure! worth it akong paguli!

    btw, pictures are all up @

  10. #10

    Default Re: Twinkle Dudu "Flatline" - now out!

    Quote Originally Posted by shoeless_rebel
    payter to na gig... too bad wala nako abot sa twinkle kay work naman ko. but i do agree with the songs being connected... ngutana nya ko as twinkle about ani kung gi-tuyo ba.

    props to twinkle dudu.

    usa ni sila sa solid na banda since the late 90's. hangtod karon naa lang gihapon!
    [b]mao lage hero! wa gani tah kapapic. hmpf! m gonna mishoooo again!!!!

  11.    Advertisement

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