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  1. #51
    Elite Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KlaytoN View Post
    I would rather be a fan of a filipino than be a fanboy of a regime that killed millions of its own people and continue to curtail the rights even on their own fanboys and to this very moment..
    I'm a critic of our government because it is incompetent, corrupt and overtaxes its own people. How does that make me a fan of a regime that you say "killed millions of its own people"? Which regime are you talking about and what relevance does it have to this topic? On the other hand, being a die-hard fan of the President doesn't prove your love for the country. For love of country means to work in its interests and a strong Peso is against our interests. Educate yourself before you post anymore of your ignorant trash. Your fake nationalism doesn't inspire anyone.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by KlaytoN View Post
    OT: Obvious liwat jud sa iyang amo..

    A master currency manipulator = A master forum post editor

    You can edit all you want aron malimpyo ka tan-awon sa forum..

    Master sanitizer indeed..
    Maybe next time you should learn to reply with quotes then, man. I edited the post because I realized I was being pulled into an ad-hominem back and forth posts that do nothing to further the discussion. Anyway, have you read the article? It's by a UP economist in the Philippines who is not Chinese. Let's discuss the topic and not make dumb accusations OK?

  3. #53

  4. #54
    start upgrading yourselves call center pips! just incase.

  5. #55
    it's not only the BPO who's hurting most but the OFWs who toiled hard to help the economy survived. but look what the government is doing? Indian rupees was on the same level with the peso to the dollar. ang gihimo pa sa gobyerno sa India ilang gi devaluate ang ilang kwarta to be more competitive. pero ang atong gobierno, sige ug pabilib nga strong ang peso. gi tulis ug maayo ang mga OFWs. Ang mga oligarko, gi corner nila tanan ang kwarta maong sila ray mabulahan.

  6. #56
    Dont believe everything that u read is true... Yes, our strong peso is hurting the bpo sector if u compare wid other asian countries but based from cebu bank forecasts n my talk wid clients, bpo locators are still very much in demand... Unfortunately space is runnin out...

    and jst my 2 cents on d currency thing, bsp have done thier job in steppin-in to save the dollar from enterin d 39 zone... The 40+ level keeps our interest rates at an all time low while still keepin dat competitive edge in asia... This year our rating will finally be of investment grade, so more investments, more money inflow... A pretty good job for d present admin... Wid d strengthening peso, its really more on what we do wid wat we have to take advantage of d situation...

  7. #57

    Whatever the economic status is...strong peso or otherwise...

    One fact remains constant...we in the healthcare industry are underpaid.

    For the last five years...the total salary increase i've gotten is more or less 1000.

    Rates in healthcare services continue to increase...guess the strong peso is not giving these hospital owners reason to make their services affordable.

  8. #58
    Strong peso or otherwise. Doesnt F care...wlay man gihapon effect

  9. #59
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    na feel nani namo sa amo work karon...Good Luck nalang..

  10. #60
    ato nalang ipa lower ug maayo ang buying power sa ato peso para malipay ang call centers ug mga OFWs. Every man for himself

  11.    Advertisement

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