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  1. #61

    Default Re: rags to riches...(for aspiring enterprenuers)

    from what ive heard mo agi paka ug 18busines una ka ma millionaire[/QUOTE]

    Asa manka naka dungog ani brad? maybe they mean you need to fail to succeed seguro pero is ang business is a system driven like fastfoods lesser imoha mga mistakes ma encounter and becoming a millionaire will be just around the corner....

  2. #62

    Default Re: rags to riches...(for aspiring enterprenuers)

    Quote Originally Posted by cromagnon View Post
    from what ive heard mo agi paka ug 18busines una ka ma millionaire
    Dli man bro. Even a single shot would work if it is well-prepared and well-maintained.

  3. #63

    Default Re: rags to riches...(for aspiring enterprenuers)

    Even first business bro, pwdi naka maka Million. T_T!

  4. #64
    Up nato ni. Kinsa pay naay mga stories dha?

  5. #65
    i don't consider business na mabankrupt or maclosed as a failure... there are even times na makagain pa ka ug profit as well as experience sa sunod nimo na business. there are businesses lang jud na no matter unsa.on nimo ug paningkamot dili jud mo prosper due to a lot of circumstances... especially sa karon na daghan na kaau ang kwartahan... and finding new ways and strategies seems to be the trend now... rags to riches na story is always a very interesting idea for cguro all aspirants but imagine kung tanan na lang sad mag.ingon ana..... imagine tanang taw halos makapalit sa ilang gusto... dont you think na kaning mga gadgets nato ma obsolete na... kinsa naman lang ang manarbaho.... basin pa.ugat na tanan kay puros na amo... though thats another topic.... back to reality.... 18 to be a millionaire... cguro sa uban naka.agi ana... uban sad wala ra kaabot... basin sad g.apil ang mga investments... anyway... since rags to riches ang topic... i know a lot of people here in cebu maskin walay business then tarong lang sa work kay millionaire man.... yeah ni.agi jud ug kalisod... samot na kanang mga seaman or kanang uban nagwork sa gawas... para sa ako rich naman gud nang millions... pero kung richness jud like billionaires... then cguro sa karon na setup mura tino.od jud nang 18 or cguro more than that... lisod na jud ron kay kung nila sikat imong negosyo... taparan ka...and believe me kapoy ug gukod... you need to be one step ahead... but then again naa nasad ni tapad kay lagi na interesado sad... mao ni kasagaran nahitabo sa mineral water refilling station, pharmacy, gas station, bakery.... ug unsa panang uban... mao na lisod sa karon na panahon nang rags to riches pama.agi sa negosyo... pero rich to riches ubay2x na na sila... but still kung naa man gani sa karon nga setup or karon na time na ingon ana kanang rags jud ha to riches... then that someone is really one of a kind...

  6. #66
    nice one ... kugi jud ang kailangan

  7. #67
    Murag tinuod baya ning "bahala ginagmay, basta kanunay".

    kamao mn gud mo timaan ang mga tao kung asa ang barato. once ma establish nana nimo nga impression nga you sell goods cheaper than others, sa imo mn moadto ang mga tao.

    all you need is perseverance lang jud. ayaw pada sa mga trials ky ny ubang ka kompetensiya who will do things that will really push you down like for example, you both have the same supplier, ang buhaton sa usa ky kuhaon hasta imong orders bahala na nga di pa niya gamiton or daghan pa siya ato nga stocks. tsk3x

    anyway, inspiring post TS.

  8. #68
    C.I.A. miramax's Avatar
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    Ako naobserbahan lately sa among community daghan kaayo mga existing business nga ninghinay worst is nagsira na gyud.

  9. #69
    wonderful post TS...thanks

  10. #70
    nice thread... up ta ani

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