Hmm.. if you guys really want to learn or improve your vocal techniques for FREE just go to youtube.. so many vocal coaches there sharing on their exercises that really works if you take it seriously. =)
Hmm.. if you guys really want to learn or improve your vocal techniques for FREE just go to youtube.. so many vocal coaches there sharing on their exercises that really works if you take it seriously. =)
for vocalist: Can you guys share what mics are you using for recording and live gigs and why that particular mics? =)
Hi! I like Shure.. kamo? unsa inyong prefer?
Nice ni dahh pwede muapil TS hilig lng ko mukanta pero dle ko kamao mu tog2 sa mga instruments..
bitaw,, pwd ang mga kanang swito au ug youtube or if you have any websites na mucoach through video mapost dri noh? that'll be awesome!
anyone can give tips sa lawm nga growl(pina as i lay dying ba or lamb of god). thanks daan \m/
pwd mani tanan genre noh? akoa I need more Bossa or Jazz songs. pleaseb suggest.. Thanks!
^try searching sa youtube sis daghan ka makita didto nga songs![]()
mao gae.. but most most na naa did2 sitti & all revival .. no doubts, she is a great bossa singer, pero gusto ko ang kanang dli au sikat bitaw sa atoa pra something new? .. nindot sad biya.. yeah I've tried checking sa youtube, daghan bitaw nindot songs, but if you have a specific song to suggest mas nindot..![]()
ako dli ko singer pro nindto pud ni pundok2 dri pra kamao pud ta mo maski back.up2 hahaha, bcin mka sagap tag mga tips ani dri dah...
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