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  1. #121

    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    So in summation:

    ROOT CAUSE: Insufficient mental health care
    Secondary ROOT CAUSE: Insufficient gun control
    Tertiary ROOT CAUSE: Insufficient / non-existent school security

    The 3rd being the most immediate and fastest to implement and the 1st being the slowest and most costly.

  2. #122
    C.I.A. Dorothea's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    ^maayo btaw naa unta security guard sa schools.

  3. #123

    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    Quote Originally Posted by 7DMM View Post
    banning guns wouldn't totally guarantee that the killing will mentioned by one netizen in another page na guns will still find it's way to the hands of the determined criminal.the same way a determined dopehead would find his drugs.

    take a look at switzerland.wala lagi sila daghan problems with criminality despite they are always prepared for war and most of their citizens are armed.people should take a look at the problem deeper before making blah blah blah about guns.
    In other words, you are advocating that more people should own guns, because it is their right to have one and as long as it is regulated?

  4. #124

    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    Gun control . Gun control .

    No one mentioning about improving MENTAL HEALTH CARE .

    While we're at it, why don't we also talk about BULLYING IN SCHOOL.

  5. #125

    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorothea View Post
    ^maayo btaw naa unta security guard sa schools.
    Americans isn't comfortable having Security Guards at every places including schools...for them OK na basta naai Police.

    ang pasabot nko sa Security Guard parehas sa ato.a - lisud kau ni ma implement sa US. try talking to an American who haven't seen or visited our country nya tell them how we handle security like in the Malls. tell them how these Security Guard have guns like baby M-16 or rusted shot gun or .38cal nya b4 ta mosud ug establishments (mostly) naai security checks sa imong stuffs - they'll tell u straight out. it's Ridiculous! mao gyd na ilang first impression and i'm talking about common people. it's just not in their culture. ang ilang gsto is secure cla bt doesn't intrude to their business.
    same ra pd ni when u talk about Religion people in the US aren't comfortable talking issues like this.

    I don't think that would work sis...

    para nko Gun Control don'st stop another senseless shooting parehas ani. also not because a family has someone who's not "mentally sound" it doesn't mean all other memebers can't own a gun. basin naai mo react, again I'm not talking about other places but in the US.

    dako kau ni nga issue sa US and I think all parties needs to be heard. not just by saying nga "they need to stop selling guns period" - coz it really doesn't solve the issue.

  6. #126
    C.I.A. Dorothea's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    @rudjard -- naay ni comment sa yahoo, how about those vets from Iraq and Afghanistan who are back in the US nga wala nakakita ug new jobs? That would be a good job for them, mag guard sa schools.

  7. #127
    C.I.A. FAQ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    Having security guards adds more pain in the ass -- ie. unions .

    I think there are security guards in most schools in big cities like Chicago , NY , Baltimore , and etc because of potential gang-related ruckus .

    But in small towns like Sandy Hook , they don't have gangs there . Everyone knows everyone in that town . The closest thing they'll have are the lunch monitors and crossing guards .

  8. #128

    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorothea View Post
    @rudjard -- naay ni comment sa yahoo, how about those vets from Iraq and Afghanistan who are back in the US nga wala nakakita ug new jobs? That would be a good job for them, mag guard sa schools.
    yes I read about it pero mao lagi it is uncommon for them having those guys around. like I said it's not in their culture having someone noising around an establishments. it's possible pero I doubt if it will solve the problem here.

    @ FAQ: yes not every school share that sense of security and by Crossing Guards you mean people who stop traffic every morning holding Stop see, most people visualized US as all urban cities. but it's not really. dba.

  9. #129

    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    alarming news for parents....murag gikumot akong dughan ani....

  10. #130

    Default Re: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting (Newtown, Connecticut)

    Security Guards in the US.

    1. It's ridiculous
    2. It's not their culture to have guards nosing around their establishments.
    3. Unions

    1. Kids stay alive.

    Screw their culture and screw the status quo. If it has led to 20 dead children, they need to stop whining about how it's not their culture and compromise. As if getting rid of pain-in-the-ass unions is better than securing the lives of the children.
    Last edited by tingkagol; 12-20-2012 at 11:02 AM.

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