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  1. #1291

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Hhmm..ok daghan ayu salamat mga fellow istoryans...btaw sakto ka bro 18 nako maybe makat on nako
    mo atubang ani. =/ then naa sad koy mga nakat onan sa inyo mga gipang replies.samalat salamat...! =)

    this case is closed. tnx istorya! =)

    Ms. Beau

    thankS kaayo ninYo ha...hOPe daGhAn paMOg maTAbanGan... =)

  2. #1292

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Okay! Hinay² lang static okay? Kaya mo yan.

  3. #1293

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    i'm going to let go of the one i love for the simple reason that he cant forgive me for a sin that i didnt commit and have no control of..and for ignoring me totally after the said incident even if i sincerely said im sorry (eventhough there is no need for it) and for ignoring the things that i have that i have done for him..

    now i realize..its useless to love a person if that person cant even find it in his heart to forgive..

    love u..goodbye!

  4. #1294

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    how sad.... you may be angry now.... but theres still tomorrow... and tell you what, hes not the only fish in the ocean.. you might find someone better than him... like someone that respects you, and forgives you when have done something wrong, loves you for what ever mistakes you have done for him.....

    naaahhh..... hes better off w/o you....

  5. #1295

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Ang akong blema aning gugma ...kay dili ko kabalo mo express sa akong gbati dd2 sa akong naibgan og dako..unsaon man nako pag overcome ani nga problem? me ... bestfriend kaayo ko aning akong naibgan.. and then.. cge ko kita² niya.. magcge lang ko og smile pero..dili ko ka sulti ..unsaon mani nako ?

  6. #1296

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by hopelessromanticguy
    Ang akong blema aning gugma ...kay dili ko kabalo mo express sa akong gbati dd2 sa akong naibgan og dako..unsaon man nako pag overcome ani nga problem? me ... bestfriend kaayo ko aning akong naibgan.. and then.. cge ko kita² niya.. magcge lang ko og smile pero..dili ko ka sulti ..unsaon mani nako?
    [color=navy]@hopelessromanticguy, what you cannot express by saying directly can be expressed in other ways.

    You can offer her flowers, sweets, a gift you know she would like or maybe treat her a free meal of her favorite food. You can be nice to her, help her with any chore or problem. Ask about her day, her hobbies, things you know she likes to talk about. Show sincere interest in her, just in case you'd want to know if she's interested in you too.

    You can express your feelings by writing it down. List the qualities you like about her, that you find special and attractive. Record down the special moments of your time together. Or write about how she inspires you, how she makes you happy. Jot down what you hope for, being together. It'll help give you some perspective.

    Visualize the actual event of you confessing your feelings to the person, can you make it special for both of you? Is it practical? Can you imagine how the person will react? Is it good? Is it bad? Will you be accepted? Will you be rejected? Are you confident with your confession? Can you express yourself clearly and in a way that presents you in the best light?

    Practice. Practice. Practice. Sometimes it helps you to prepare you. Like any major event in your life, you have to be ready and the only way to be ready is to plan, prepare, practice and then perform your actions.

    Just things to think through, if you care to.

  7. #1297

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by crush_23
    reality: You love # 1 but you're falling for # 2, you cant leave # 1 but you cant bear loosing # 2...#1 wont be happy without you but #2 is your hapiness...# 1 gives you the world but # 2 means the world to you....who should you choose? ehem...comment lang!
    ....tried to bear with the sit. guys....but it's hard and it hurts even more! huhuhuhuhuh......i dont know...i do love the guy but ya know i can't give him up....i tried....but i can't.....what the hell should i do with this thing called love?........

  8. #1298

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by slam
    ....tried to bear with the sit. guys....but it's hard and it hurts even more! huhuhuhuhuh......i dont know...i do love the guy but ya know i can't give him up....i tried....but i can't.....what the hell should i do with this thing called love?
    @slam, I do not really understand what is the problem you're facing. If you would be so kind to please make it clearer about the situation it would be helpful for me and others to give you good advice.

    So what is it? Are you involved with two people, One who you really want and love with all your heart while the Other is someone you need and can't live life without?

  9. #1299

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by kaye4life
    i'm going to let go of the one i love for the simple reason that he cant forgive me for a sin that i didnt commit and have no control of..and for ignoring me totally after the said incident even if i sincerely said im sorry (eventhough there is no need for it) and for ignoring the things that i have that i have done for him..

    now i realize..its useless to love a person if that person cant even find it in his heart to forgive..

    love u..goodbye!
    nah dnt worry i'm sure if he realy loves you he'd find a way to put thing back together, right pero if mao jud nah magkabuwag jud mo then let go nalang naa pa bitaw lain diha na mas deserving pa sa imong love basta don't rush patience is a virtue hehehe

  10. #1300

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    follow what your heart says..... that simple..if its hard...take it sometime to think then decide.....i know its hard...been in the same sit recently but i follow what my heart says.....

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