Thanks for the info guys..
@Xeno: Ive been at the gym for almost 3 months now matter of fact.. And like i said ive been watching my intake now, those "craps" that i was ussually eating, got rid of them and turned to green leaffies and fish, got rid of soda for water or juice.. Im just having confusions on the program since this gym am in right now has less equipment so i try to improvise at times, especially if the gym gets crowded.. I tried to go for tha noon sched instead..
Got those info noted and spent time reading through those articles..
@noelngyawa: Thnx bro.. Ill keep that in mind.. After warmups, i ssually start with the bench then inclined press then the bicep curls and the triceps.. I do focus more on the bench and inclined press.. last thing i do are the squats and deadlift and finishing are crunches.. I'll try replacing the preacher curls as well..
Anyways thanks for all the info's.. Am sure this wont be the last time you'll hear from me though moving forward.. I'll drop by here from time to time for more questions