LEGO Star Wars 9494 R2-D2 Review
One of the most well-known, heck, most popular icons in Star wars and today's pop culture. He was in all 6 movies and has supported all the heroes any way he can. Star Wars won't be Star Wars unless it has R2-D2.
- This is a very good representation of R2. The minimalist approach taken by R2's conceptual designer, Ralph McQuarrie, worked. I hope to read his design notes in the near future.
- Hmm, probably because of this mold being used so many times (R2 is the most re-issued Star Wars minifigure from what I've heard), the paint application isn't so great.
- None.
Fun Factor
- R2 could be put in many play stories. Now all I need is C3-PO.
- I wish they included his third 'leg' so he can 'move'
Score: This will be a tough one since I do love R2 but I have to be objective so 3.5/5 (4 if he came with the 3rd leg, 5 if his dome can be rotated without removing and repositioning it).
"R2-D2, it is you! It is you!"
- C3-PO
LEGO Star Wars 9494 Nute Gunray Review
As far as I know, this minifigure is the best representation of this treacherous, paranoid, cowardly, and greedy S.O.B. He didn't deserve to die quickly. The Sith is too quick to kill their enemies. Nothing beats Jabba the Hutt's approach - 1,000 years of suffering as you are slowly digested inside the Almighty Sarlacc and not just that, once you're absorbed, your consciousness will be in perpetual torment, a.k.a. hell.
- This design is based on Nute Gunray's last appearance in Revenge of the Sith where he was quickly slashed at the chest with a lightsaber (again a quick death he didn't deserve).
- His appearance reminds me of our local buwayas and I don't mean the animals.
- I'm not sure what happened in the factory but the thickness of the lines in the paint job in the patterns in his upper torso are thinner compared to the lower torso. The difference is very noticeable.
- The paint job on the face is well done though except for the 'whites' of his eyes. They're supposed to be reddish.
- None. I don't remember him having any, not even weapons. Again, he's a coward and he lets others do his dirty work.
Fun Factor
- Just like his useless security battle droid, he's only lightsaber fodder but I can use him in other play stories as the boss of my evil minifigures. If my daughter gets her Alien Villainess from Series 8, she could be a love interest.
- None really but I do wish the set 9494 came with Padme instead or better yet Darth Sidious and some of the Clone Troopers that rescued Darth Vader after Obiwan cut off his legs and he got burned by lava.
- Since he's better than the security battle droid, I'll give him a 3.5/5.
"She can't do that! Shoot her or something!"
- Nute Gunray
What has 649 pieces and flies? (Darkwing ayaw tubag kay I told you the answer last Saturday, ha ha)
Hint: Not the Jedi Interceptor (human na ni build but saving it as the last model to review in the 9494 reviews).
lol i mix tanan sa usa ka container before mag build, I did that for the M. Falcon, took us a week to finish haha
@darkwing: I'm almost done but will take a photo of it after I'm done with the LEGO Star Wars 9494 Jedi Interceptor reviews. I still need to review 3 more models - Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker (evil), and of course the Jedi Interceptor or technically known as the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor.
LEGO Star Wars 9494 Obi-Wan Kenobi Review
Ewan McGregor played Obi-Wan Kenobi perfectly (I wish I could say the same for the sub-par actors who played Anakin Skywalker). They could have gotten better actors, in my opinion.
- I love his two faces. One of his faces shows disappointment and sorrow. You can just imagine how he must have felt as he pleaded with Anakin to turn away from the Dark Side. When he failed to do so and Anakin attacked him, instead of an evil angry face, he has a look of resolve instead.
- It’s cleanly applied and he even has back-printing. Hooray!
- His standard Guardian lightsaber. Guardians have blue colored ones.
- Now, I’m not sure whether LEGO intended it as an accessory or not but I do love the addition of the lava skiff albeit it barely resembles the one in the movie (we can’t have everything).
Fun Factor
- A Jedi minifigure and an iconic one at that will surely give me lots of fun.
- None really except maybe I wanted LEGO to have painted his brown boots.
Score: 5/5.
“I have failed you, Anakin; I have failed you."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
I have to agree this is a great Star Wars set, grrrrrr murag ganahan nasad ko para sa ako lol
LEGO Star Wars 9494 Anakin Skywalker Review
While it was great to finally see Darth Vader's history, I just don't think the child actor and his characterization were fitting Darth Vader. For one, I expected to see a rough looking kid with mood swings but no, he’s too cute, clean, and good. The adult Anakin looked the part but I just wasn’t convinced about his acting. The scene with his mom was powerful though but that was because of the music, in my opinion. Anyway, now that Disney owns Lucasfilms, I hope they can repair the damages done to the franchise and make better movies like thousands of years before or after the movies.
Teaser of what I'll review next
- I love Anakin’s non-smiling face. It does really look evil.
- Sadly, they didn’t use his animated character’s shoulder guards but then again the movie didn’t show him wearing it but it would have been a good deviation.
- And thank goodness, they didn’t forget to color his right hand black (this was cut off by Count Dooku with what is known as the mou kei maneuver, a favorite of the Sith and used only as a last resort by the Jedi as what Obi-Wan did when he cut off the rest of Anakin’s limbs).
- The paint is cleanly applied but there are some scratches on his left eye and lips but this is probably due to contacts with the other pieces. I do wish LEGO would have a separate internal packaging for the minifigures to reduce the likelihood of scratches. I don’t mind scratches on the vehicles though.
- Anakin Skywalker is also a Guardian, a Jedi that focuses more on battle so he has a blue lightsabre as well.
- He also comes with a lava collector droid or a panning droid. However, it is not also an accurate representation of one (the action figure from Hasbro is more accurate:
- A Sith minifigure would always be fun and at now my evil minifigures have someone to look up to (they don’t dare mess with him or he will be Forced to see things his way, if you get my drift.)
- None really but my wish list is to see a burned version, he he.
Score: 5.5
I can’t quote Anakin because all his lines were horrible and I’m not the only who one who noticed, see Free Tea with Purchase of a Family Meal.
Script and actor selection fail!
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