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  1. #21

    Honestly, LED has nicer specs compared to LCD, pero gamay ra gihapon ang difference, pero ang price dako ang difference..

    Plain and simple, if you can afford to buy an LED TV without sacrificing other better things in life, then go buy it. But if financial constraint inhibits you to buy LED TV, and you can only afford the next best LCD TV in the store, then there's no problem buying one. I think dili man pod dehado ang LCD TV. If magbuhat lang ang Samsung or other brands ug LCD TV nga dali ra maguba, dili kaha na makadaot sa ilang reputation?

    I have a one month old Samsung Series 5 37" LCD TV, so far me and my family enjoys it, especially if we are watching 1080p movies. True, if I have more money, I would have opted to buy the best LED TV, but it would prohibit me to buy other nice things...

    Just weigh in your priorities in life...

  2. #22
    para nako ang led tv kae mas claro jud kaysa lcd tv.. very brillant colors

  3. #23
    If imung Video source or Imu Player dili HD/Blue Ray, WAY kalahian sa picture ang LCD ug LED.
    If imu ra i connect sa imu outside antena nya Tan aw Teleserye, WAY kalahian ang salida and LCD ug LED.
    if imu i Play pirated DVD, WAY kalahian salida sa LCD ug LED.

    Pero mas maayu jud tong LED pero mahal lan jud.

  4. #24
    Sorry to burst your bubble guys the way I did in the LCD versus LED computer monitors thread.

    Again, except for the LED billboards, there is no such thing as a LED TV. Gi ilad lang ta sa misleading advertising of Samsung. They are ALL LCD. What Samsung means by LED is LED backlit, which means it is just an LCD TV with LED backlights instead of the old fluorescent. Sony has LED backlit TVs (that's how they made those really thin models) but they are more honest with their advertising.

    What we should really be talking about here is LED versus fluorescent backlighting. Advantage of LED backlighting is you can turn off the LEDs in specific areas of the monitor so you get better contrast ratio. Dark areas are unlit. Sooner or later all LCD TV's (and monitors) will be LED backlit.

    As usual choose monitors based on contrast ratio, frame rate, refresh rate, etc., etc.. and of course the most important: budget! If LED backlighting is a consideration by all means include the other brands outside of Samsung and LG that offer it.

    Quote Originally Posted by miramax View Post
    Samsung & LG are the one's having LED TV' s introduced in the current market, so far wala pa ga release ang SONY and the rest.
    Last edited by dubioz; 01-10-2011 at 10:21 AM.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by stealthghost View Post
    LED vs LCD

    The difference between the two is the Technology of the light used.

    LED is used on LED TV (Light Emitting Diode.. i.e. HDD Light or Power light sa imung computer case)
    SMD LED (Surface Mounted Device - Light Emitting Diode must've been used)
    Looks like this:

    LCD TV, nag gamit og CCFL. (Cold Cathode Flourescent Lamp)
    Looks like this:

    CCFL requires an Inverter to produce an AC or alternating current which should be supplied.
    When you plug the Monitor/TV sa outlet, it will convert AC-DC padung sa monitor.
    IF CCFL ang gigamit, mahimong, AC-DC-AC conversion.
    CCFL, AFAIK, mas dali ma-guba.. mura ra'g Flourescent lamp.

    LED needs DC only.
    LED is one of the most efficient optoelectronic device.

    Other source:
    The difference between LCD and LED TVs | Geeky Gadgets

    There's an advertisement pud ani from Samsung. Youtube nalang tan.awa.
    very well said. thanks for this info.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Advantage & disvantages of an LED TV from an LCD TV

    I'm about to purchase a LED TV, don't know which brand yet.

    What specs should I be looking for? And what are the current standard rates/grades of these specification items?

    I saw in a post here in this thread, the following:

    contrast ratio, frame rate, refresh rate. Are there any else? and what are the standard acceptable rates/grades these and other specs should be?

    e.g. for HD 1080P etc

    Follow up question, ON PC monitors, I just found out, eIPS ang pangitaon nga spec nga dapat naa.
    BUT what is the thing about 5ms and 2ms? Response time daw, which is better the higher number or lower number?

    Thank you very very much,

  7. #27

    Default Re: Advantage & disvantages of an LED TV from an LCD TV

    it's more than 2yrs since thread was started. unsa kaha napalit sa ts? ok pa kaha?

  8. #28

    Default Re: Advantage & disvantages of an LED TV from an LCD TV

    kami LCD pami pero tempting kaau mu-buy ug LED pero di pa kaya sa budget hehehe!

  9. #29

    Default Re: Advantage & disvantages of an LED TV from an LCD TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Devian View Post
    it's more than 2yrs since thread was started. unsa kaha napalit sa ts? ok pa kaha?
    mana, maguba na gani daw

  10. #30

    Default Re: Advantage & disvantages of an LED TV from an LCD TV

    mas nindot jud ang led tv kay dili kaayo kalas sa kuryente compara sa lcd tv...

  11.    Advertisement

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