Let God be the brightest Light to guide your way and
the sweetest Voice to comfort your day.
To Him I pray:
May His grace be with you always!
Have a blessed week.
Let God be the brightest Light to guide your way and
the sweetest Voice to comfort your day.
To Him I pray:
May His grace be with you always!
Have a blessed week.
Put your desire in God's hands and discuss it with Him as you faithfully pray.
There's no problem too big and no question too small. Just ask God in faith
and He will answer them all. So be patient and wait,
God never comes too soon nor too late.
So trust in His wisdom and believe in His Word.
For no prayer is unanswered and no prayer is unheard.
Have a beautiful weekend!
In life, there are lots of people watching our next move.
Desperately waiting for us to fail and even praying for us to give up.
But don't mind them, it just doubles the fun of living and surviving.
Let's keep in mind that failures and problems are not the things we should
be scared of. They could lead to breakthroughs and great discoveries.
See life as a journey and an adventure and enjoy every moment of it.
Good day!
God bless.
Nothing that is not part of God's will is allowed to come into the life
of someone who trust and obeys Him. It is the working of His omnipotent
power for our benefit if we remain surrendered and believing.
No matter how unjust something maybe, by the time it
reaches us it is GOD'S will for us and will ultimately
work to our good. All the attacks that Satan hurts
at us are not only powerless to harm us but are
transformed into blessings along the way.
Do not spend your LIFE as if there are only these three words
to live by... HURRY, WORRY, BURY!
It's time to rediscover the 3R's in LIFE... RELAX, REFLECT, RENEW!
God bless your days this Holiday Season!
When we are in a difficult phase in our lives and on the verge of giving up,
remember that we have a God whose expertise is doing the impossible.
Let us put our FAITH & TRUST IN HIM for where there is faith,
God works His miracles.
Have a safe day!
The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only
hold you at your best... but will pick you up and hold you tight at your weakest...
Let GOD's arms hold you always.
Happy Holidays!
Did you know that smiling can make you look as much as ten years younger?
That's because your skin is linked to your mind, so as much as possible, try to smile
more often and be more positive-thinking everyday. It will SHOW on your face---
Literally and now! Why not smile!
Happy Holidays!
Who says we do not exercise?
We jump to conclusions,
We throw our weight around,
We stretch the truth,
We bend the rules, and
We push our luck.
Let us CHANGE our Exercise Program from now on and
Stay Healthy, Happy, Pretty and Wise!
Exercise Faith,
Stretch Patience,
Throw Past Issues,
Repent and Bend our Knees in Prayer,
Jump for joy!
Everyday is a new day to experience GOD's Grace!
It is wonderful to get answers from prayers, but it is even more wonderful
to let God mold you and make you into an answer to somebody's prayers.
A blessed day!
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