Try daw ni TS. Click Start then type msconfig then press enter. System configuration settings will pop then click boot then check "No GUI Boot".
Try daw ni TS. Click Start then type msconfig then press enter. System configuration settings will pop then click boot then check "No GUI Boot".
my money is on bloatware, daghan dala na software ang mobo nga wala kau gamit na mukaon ug resources during start up, sometimes antivirus programs scan start up items further lengthening start up time.
IMO, what i would do: reformat, install only drivers, no software. if you have money, buy an SSD, 30 sec boot time.
already did that Bro however same thing, only taken away few seconds of the entire boot process. Review nako events:
Session manager initialization caused a slow down in the startup process:
Name : SMSSInit
Total Time : 161727ms
Degradation Time : 41279ms
Incident Time (UTC) : 2012-11-20T10:28:56.578000100Z
Background optimizations (prefetching) took longer to complete, resulting in a performance degradation in the system start up process:
Name : BackgroundPrefetchTime
Total Time : 281450ms
Degradation Time : 184214ms
Incident Time (UTC) : 2012-11-20T07:14:22.578000100Z
Run - msconfig - Startup - Uncheck Startup Items which you think are unnecessary like mobile phone sync, instant messengers, auto startup / update software, auto download torrent video software
kasagara gyud reason madugay syag start up is too many services ug start up programs. try adto sa registry.
HKEY_local_machine - software-microsoft-windows-currentversion-run
i delete nang way gamit na keys. try pud sa HKEY_current_user- software.....etc same sa taas
try sad boot without network then compare
salamat sa inyo mga suggestions mga Braders, karon pa ko reply kay cge ko reboot. Naa koy na natrim significant siya almost 1 minute ang na-minus. Mao ni nahitabo:
HDD - 2 partitions C and D as usual C ang system drive. Ako gi-suwayan lang kay naa koy naremember sa una sa previous setup nako naay error akong D drive. Ako gisuwayan ang HDD tools sa Windows ako repair ang D: mao to nga pag-reboot nako bag-ohay lang na-trim ug almost 1 minute (great improvement kaysa 2 minutes+ nga startup previously).
During sa OS installation, ang C ra ako gi-reformat way apil ang D kay naa koy mga importante nga files didto (take note sa usa ra ni ka HDD ha). Puno ang uban storage nako gud mao wala nako gi-reformat ang entire HDD, ang C ra para sa system.
Meaning, possible ba nga nag-conflict ang C ug D (my D could still be storing previous algorithms sa previous setup causing this) ?
So in that case no choice, reformat entire HDD ?![]()
Last edited by unagikabayaki; 11-20-2012 at 07:53 PM. Reason: additional info
hmm.. sounds like failing drive. weak/bad sectors probably... check SMART status sa imo hdd...
try daw tan aw sa both partition if naa bay "windows_old" na folder, basin iya na gi bak up auto or unsa ba kaha hehe
Most practical setup is 2 HDD, no partition. One for Drive C System and the other for Drive D Data, the drive where the system resides is most vulnerable to breaking down because it's the one that works the most and the target drive of most viruses, and you can just remove your Drive D (Where your personal pics and data are) easily just in case you need to bring your PC to the shop.
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