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  1. #1

    Default Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    The gods of medicine and health - the doctors. They're actually dumb all along.

    They have a lot of knowledge about the human body. So well versed with the medicines and drugs. But a lot of them are so completely wrong, especially in the area of cancer treatment.

    Most of these doctors think they own our health. They harshly reprimand some annoying patients.

    After watching the video "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures" created by Massimo Mazzucco in Youtube. My perception of doctors have changed.

    I am angry. Really angry.

    Watch the video in full, and find out why.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    When your time comes (you or your child will be sick or hospitalized) you will understand
    Feel free to come back here and give us an update.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    I think I posted this on General Discussions, or the mods moved this? Or did I miss something? Sorry mods if I did.

    hobie, watch the video, and finish it. Also, I specifically said, they're dumb in the area of cancer treatment.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    we dont know for sure....

  5. #5

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    If they're dumb, then who are you going to go to when you're sick?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    dili man tanan, mura ra gud og ikaw usahay bogo ka, usahay kay bogo jud, naa pud usahay na bright kaayo

  7. #7

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    ni reply na si doc mao ni iyang gi prescribe niya sa TS

  8. #8

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Wrong section Bro.

    You can't stereotype all doctors by the actions of one.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I think I posted this on General Discussions, or the mods moved this? Or did I miss something? Sorry mods if I did.

    hobie, watch the video, and finish it. Also, I specifically said, they're dumb in the area of cancer treatment.

    Because Cancer is best handled by Oncologists, not General Practittioners or any other specialty. And to think of, there's only a few Medical Students mastering Oncology. Another thing, you really cannot expect 100% good prognosis when it comes to a stage 4 Cancer. --> Your expected success rate is 0%.

    But thanks for the video.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by Slapkid View Post
    If they're dumb, then who are you going to go to when you're sick?
    Who am I going to?

    1. Some doctors who are open minded about natural healing.
    2. Youtube. Watch videos of some doctors such as Dr. Max Gerson.
    3. Myself.
    4. My mother.
    5. I eat fruits and vegetables. Minimize meat.

  11.    Advertisement

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