Originally Posted by
hahahaha. sorry but you didn't catch my sarcasm back there

you're so gullible to believe that i'm only a janitor that earns a minimum wage
thanks for the laugh mr.know.it.all ......
Nowhere in my post did I show that I believed you were a janitor just because you claimed to be. However I do believe you are a minimum wage earner, not because you said so but because you care so much about increasing the minimum wage! Do you call that a tremendous leap in logic? Wellll it isn't.. I apologize in advance if presuming you a minimum wage earner from the content of your posts and your thinking pattern offends you, but it is not meant to insult but rather to state a fact as I see it. Based on experience, someone who isn't earning a minimum wage, isn't likely to be in favor of a minimum wage increase.
By the way I'm a know-it-all because I mentioned basic economic theory in a post? Here I thought we can have a discussion at least at the college graduate level. Guess I was wrong.
As I said before, it doesn't matter to me if you think I'm a tax cheat, dishonest or whatever it is you think I am. What you think is irrelevant to me, and if what I think doesn't matter to you it won't change your life anyway so relax dude, it's only the internet. Insulting me won't solve your problems.