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  1. #61

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    this is hilarious. i dont understand why you all take it out on "man" authors. all books in the world are produced by man, not animals or insects. that doesn't really mean they're all wrong. all you're doing is trying to weasle out of defending your most holiest of holies sacred book.

    springfield, honestly, i dont understand any of the sentences you've written. they don't make sense, at all...
    but let me just ask one question...

    how do you decide which is literal in the bible and which is not? theres a really fine line between em. i've had an argument about this with my re-ed teacher, and she folded, she weasled out...

  2. #62

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    r/brey: long time no debate na jud. and it seems like pareho ra gihapon ato ma debatehan. pero sakto na to.

    i think, you believe that you are more free now... free from guilt, free from the laws of God, that prevents you from worldly pleasures.

    I hope you have finally found the truth and happiness. And when the time comes, you will rest in peace. (wala ko nanongo ha)

    Last comment, we believers don't laught at you... we somehow felt sorry. It's always the non-believers who laughed at us. Coz they thought we are just fanatics. (I bet you are now laughing)

    peace out.

  3. #63

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    so n'gel, what you're trying to say is that you dont fully trust/believe in te bible because men made it? i thought christians are supposed to believe the bible with all their heart and soul.
    That my dear is dogma. Did you ever read everything I said? No authority from any church dictates my faith and my belief in God. Why not refer the Bible selectively? What's wrong with that? You don't get it do you? Did I say I was evangelized because I read the Bible? Nope. The most important message in the Bible is the Holy Spirit. Once baptized by the Spirit, then you'll understand the Bible. Don't generalize lagi. People you're interacting with in this thread have deeper understanding of their faith.

  4. #64

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    FK, we laugh at each other, thats the way it is...

    n'gel, being evangelized is being pertained to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament. believing it is fully INERRANT. now i was asking you if you believed every word of the bible, and you said you dont. some things are weird fantasies. i have the impression that you just choose what you believe in it. now isnt that a little off and the holy spirit? i dont care about the holy spirit, i dont even think it exist. the fact is, if you had "a deeper understanding" of your faith, then you should stand by it and defend it, no matter what. you are a christian arent you? otherwise you would be a "theist". a person who believes in a god but is not dependent or connected to any organized religion...

  5. #65

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    r/brey you're the one here who's closed-minded not us. Gahi man ka pasabton dong.

    n'gel, being evangelized is being pertained to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament. believing it is fully INERRANT.
    The Holy Spirit is perfect and is inerrant as to God and Jesus Christ, the Bible not, but the Bible contains the good news about Christ and the Holy Spirit, that's why I said selective because for me, the Holy Spirit is the best evidence of God's power and existence, and the message is contained in the 4 books of the new testament. Do you get what I mean? That particular section in the Bible is the most important aspect of Christian belief. I know the Bible has many contradictions but when it comes to the power of the Holy Spirit it is beyond contradiction, it answers all doubts. Evangelization don't just mean you read the 4 gospels, instead Evangelization hightens when you're baptized by the Spirit.

    Mao ka deperensya aning mga dili motuo ug Ginoo, la pa gani sila kaila sa Holy Spirit, judge dayon. Tanan nimong mabasa duh, tanang naa sa imong utok, dali ra na kit-an diri's Internet. Sa hamubong sulti, ang imong mabasa pwede nakung mabasa. Ako ka experience ko sa Holy Spirit kahibaw pa gyud ko's imong nahibal-an ug pwede pa mahibalo ug daghan, asa may alkanse natong duha? Nagtuo ka ikaw ra kahibaw ana imong nahibal-an? History history kalaming basahon, pero milagrohan na gani ka sa Espiritu Santo tak-um nang ba-ba nimo. Why refute if you haven't experienced it yourself and you don't have ALL knowledge of what is to know?

    My debate as always between believing in God and not always is focused in the Spirit. Take note of that aron dili ka pataka ug batbat.

  6. #66

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    @n'gel, mao ba? nindota gud... pwede nimo istorya imo encounter? pasagdihi lang ng dili mo too, bahalag kataw-an ta.

  7. #67

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    LOL! experience the holy spirit eh? unya milagro pa gyud. nindota ana gud? storyai kuno ko sa imong milagro... murag nindot na paminawon da. kung di ka ganahan mo basa ug history, di ayaw. your loss. trust me on that. stick to what you believe, it doesnt matter. pero kung makig debate kag atheista, ayaw silag i counter gamit anang "know/experience the holy spirit" or "power of love" or whatnot. circular logic ra kaau na. di na consctructive argument. wa tay maabtan ana. ay nalang.

    nya, murag ni lahi man imong style sa pakig debate, murag ni init da! ga bisaya naman. hehehe. nya naa pa gyuy "tak-um nang ba-ba nimo" ug "Take note of that aron dili ka pataka ug batbat" HAHAHAH!

    easy lang miga... ayg ka hot.

  8. #68

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    @r/brey - see, you're the one laughing... you look at believers as blinded fools. when was the last time you were laughed at because of your beliefs?

    LOL! experience the holy spirit eh? unya milagro pa gyud. nindota ana gud? storyai kuno ko sa imong milagro... murag nindot na paminawon da.
    it will be a waste of time for you... just read your history books. why would you be interested in a story, where it is fix in your mind that it is just a hallucination.

  9. #69

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    we'll he didn't die for nothing. it has always been about salvation. what transpired to be something fanatical, as viewed by those who hated chrstianity, was a divine rescue from God himself through Jesus christ. a fanatic does what a lunatic does, Jesus' entire sacrifice and struggle was not for fame or attention for the insecure, it was always about saving the entire human race, plain simple salvation...

  10. #70

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

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