Piloting free and Open Source Software (FOSS) using Open Standards in e-Governance Applications for Local Government Units (LGUs), Manila, Philippines, March 7-8, 2007
The Joomla! team has been invited to speak on the national conference on FOSS and E-Governance in Manilla, The Philippines. The conference is envisioned to showcase the various FOSS applications developed for and used by local government units in the Philippines, and to discuss issues related to this process as well as to the adaptation of FOSS in supporting good e-governance. The two-day conference will bring together key organisations and experts in various strategic sectors in information and communications technology, development work, policy and local administration.
Johan Janssens will attend the conference, his talk will explore what government and civil society can learn and gain from the experiences of successful global and multi-cultural FOSS initiatives like Joomla! The conference is funded by the European Commission. Our thanks goes to the organizers for the invitation and to the European Commission for their support.
^^ Joomla! meets its community(from frontpage
www.joomla.org) published: Tuesday, 20 February 2007
The conference is open to walk-ins. Registration is free, but walk-ins will have to make their own meal arrangements.
To inquire about the conference, please write to: events at lgu.flossp.net
Or call: 655-7132, 655-2295, 655-4073, 656-8351(look for Lhenny or Tina)
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Using Joomla in Local Govt Units (LGUs) - March 7-8 2007
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