Infidelity is like an epidemic that has infected many committed men and women across the country. Almost everybody you know has probably cheated on his or her spouse or partner at least once while in a relationship. Cheating, I believe, is now as common as hay fever in springtime.
Traditionally, unfaithfulness is more commonly committed by men. Nowadays, however, many girlfriends and wives are also having illicit relationships.
If you want to ascertain if your partner is philandering with another man, you must be very observant and sensitive to the things that are happening around you. Here are the telltale signs that will help you determine if your girlfriend is seeing another person:
* * *Sudden preoccupation with appearance
The first sign that your girlfriend is cheating on you is her sudden preoccupation with how she looks or smells. Pay attention to the word sudden because women really love to dress up and beautify themselves once in a while. However, be wary if she completely changed her hairstyle, perfume, nail polish and style of clothing, such as from conservative to more provocative, most especially if you were not the one who suggested the changes.
* * *Reduced intimacy
Women usually equate intimacy with their emotional relation with a person. Thus, if your girlfriend seems to abhor kissing you or even holding your hand in public, chances are she is starting to develop an emotional relation with another man.
Most commonly, women wear sexy clothes and lingerie to make their partner notice them more. However, there is a big probability that your girlfriend is cheating on you if she wears shape fitting dresses and inviting lingerie but doesn't want to make love with you.
* * *Increased overtime and girl's night out
Many women need to work hard to be on top. Thus, it is natural for them to sometimes spend extra time working for a project or a report. However, if she works overtime almost everyday, even on Sundays, you must be alarmed.
The best way to ensure that she is really working in the office even in the wee hours of the night is to drop by her office unexpectedly. You can probably bring her coffee or dinner as an excuse. Thus, if she is indeed working very hard, she will appreciate the gesture that you made by bringing her food. On the other hand, this is also a good way to know if she is really in the office and not somewhere else.
Instead of overtime, some women use their friends as their excuse. If your girlfriend seems to spend most of her time with her friends on vacations and overnight trips, you must be wary. Remember that although women love to regularly hang out with friends, they will still allocate time for their boyfriends.
* * *Increase use of phone and Internet
Watch how your girlfriend reacts to calls and messages. If she tries to conceal some calls and erases her messages, then there might be something fishy going on. If she is really trying hard to conceal conversations or doesn't want you to use her mobile phone, then she maybe hiding something from you.
A poll on Internet Use and Abuse by Greenfield and Rivet showed that 57% of men and women use the Internet to flirt. Thus, you should also monitor your girlfriend's chatting and Internet activities.
If you noticed that your girlfriend is displaying at least two of the four signs that have been mentioned, then it is time for you to gather clues and more proof. Never confront your girlfriend about infidelity unless you are extremely sure about it.
Also, this is probably a good time to reflect on your relationship. Have you been a good boyfriend? Do you still go out of your way to make her happy? Are you sensitive to her needs and emotions? Assess your relationship and your feelings for her. If you want to pursue the relationship to a higher level, then maybe you need to find ways to rekindle the fire in your relationship.
I noticed 3 signs hmmmmm....