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Thread: 3DS user thread

  1. #271

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Just picked up Virtue's Last Reward. its a great game with a wonderful psycho thriller of a story, if you have played 999: 9 hours, 9 person, 9 doors on the DS. This is a much pick.

    This game is also available for the PSvita.

  2. #272

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    For those who purchased Virtue's Last Reward. There is a BUG, a critical one that damages your save file. DO NOT SAVE at puzzle rooms for the time being, let's hope a patch is made available ironically PS vita ver does not have this bug.

    Prof Layton is now available ... in manila will update price once my sources reveals.

  3. #273

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Prof Layton and the Miracle Mask @1595 daw sa Datablitz mga igsuon nato nga tig subay aning thread, give it a week or two to arrive in Cebu.

  4. #274

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    I just checked Datablitz Sm and Layton is now available.

  5. #275

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Would anyone be interested in a 3DS Street Pass event on the 2nd saturday of October?

  6. #276

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    helo.bag.o rko dre register..awts..ako gibaligya ako ambassador 3ds para makapalit ug 3dsxl..hehe..mas nindut jud cya compared sa og 3ds?

  7. #277

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Pla nlg ni aiahan sbng bklon megs mn?

  8. #278

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    @masher yes nice ang XL than 3DS standard bigger screen results to more scare in resident evil revelations. So kinsa ok mo join sa Street Pass meet up this 2nd week of October?

  9. #279

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    kanusa kaha mugawas ang circle pad pro sa 3ds xl? im still hesitant to buy the xl without this accessory. how important is this accessory? like sa Revelations og Kid Icarus, need ba jud ni nga accessory or playable ra ghpon ang games without it?

  10. #280

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    This month mo gawas ang circle pad pro XL sa japan.

    Circle pad pro is not a must but it makes the game easier to control the following will support circle pad XL.

    Resident Evil Revelations, the right cicle pad is for moving and the left is for aiming (If I am not mistaken)
    Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D - right pad for moving, left pad for controling the camera
    Monster Hunter 3g or 4 - controls should be the same as RE
    Kid Icarus - left circle pad is only for those people who are left handed.
    Kingdom hearts 3D drop distance - see Metal Gear control scheme

    Mao pa na games mo support sa circle pad.

    Sir Aj can I expect you to join us for street pass meet up and play 3ds games?

  11.    Advertisement

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