Selling my own breed kamfazz..
Availability: 1 batch
Mother strain: King Pearl Kamfa
Father strain: King Golden Monkey
Price: 50pesos/each
location: Opon Merkdao, Near Virgen sa Regla Church..
Contact: 0921-3144-548
Frequently asked question: Sir negotiable ba ? Sir kuha kog daghan naa pa Less ?? Sir Nahan ta ko ani ba pero naa lang ko sa laing province..
Answer: We give special prices sa wholesaler and seller outside cebu, Yes We ship now nationwide Via Air Cargo Gagmay or daghan 500pesos.. Free of shipment if you purchase 100pcs..
Kung mupalit mo makakita mo sa parents.... salamat

[/IMG] Pics of the mother..

[/IMG] pics of the father....

[/IMG] pics o f the fry.. sorry di ma kuhaan og pics kung naa sa aquarium kay mahadlok sa cam.
text lang sa number ge provide kay dili ko pirmi online..