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  1. #431

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (New Online Petitions added!)

    Prolifers throughout the world should unite and sign this petiion. Go to thje URL below::


    We, the undersigned, are individuals and groups from all over the world.

    We represent more than 100 countries on all continents. Though not all of us are
    American citizens, we know that American policy makers care deeply about how
    the U.S. is viewed around the world.

    In this spirit, we write with one voice urging the honorable members of the United
    States Senate NOT TO RATIFY the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
    of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

    CEDAW has been ratified by many of our countries and while there are many
    good ideas within the treaty, the treaty has been used as a vehicle for ideas that
    are dangerous to our countries, our families, our mothers and daughters.

    The CEDAW Committee, before which signatory countries must appear every four
    years, regularly coerces and bullies nations into changing their laws far beyond
    the scope of the treaty itself.

    CEDAW is silent on abortion yet many countries have been ordered by the CEDAW
    Committee to legalize abortion.

    CEDAW actually condemns prostitution, but countries have been directed by the
    Committee to legalize prostitution.

    The CEDAW Committee went so far as to criticize the country of Belarus for
    establishing Mother’s Day, what the Committee referred to as a “negative cultural

    The CEDAW Committee is hostile to organized religion. It ordered Libya to reinterpret
    the Koran to fall within Committee guidelines. It criticized Ireland for allowing the
    Church to participate in public policy discourse.

    CEDAW may have been conceived with good intentions, but it has been hijacked by
    radicals bent on using it for dangerous social experiments that are harmful to our
    countries, our families, our mothers, wives and daughters.

    We urge you in the strongest possible language to stop the U.S. Senate from ratifying
    the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

  2. #432

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (New Online Petitions added!)

    Leading Demographer Warns UN About Global War on Baby Girls

    By Samantha Singson

    (NEW YORK — C-FAM) At the UN this week, renowned scholar Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) warned delegates of the growing global gender imbalance due to prenatal *** selection and *** selected abortions. Calling the trend a “Global War Against Baby Girls”, Eberstadt delivered extensive statistics on the rise of “son preference” in every part of the world.

    Refuting the assumptions that preference for baby boys is a localized cultural phenomenon or due solely to coercive population programs, Eberstadt’s research reveals that imbalance is due to several factors: an existing preference for sons, a decrease in overall fertility, and the exponential increase in the use of technology which facilitates *** selection in the prenatal stages. He also emphasized that a rise in education levels does not slow the problem and in some cases is associated with increases in aborting baby girls.

    According to Eberstadt, natural birth rates are about 105 males for every 100 females born. Some regions of the world are experiencing upwards of 115 boys born for every 100 girls, some are as high at 150 boys born for every 100 girls. He warned delegates that this could just be the beginning and that the world is "moving to the realm of science fiction" as the ratio of baby boys to baby girls was already at levels “beyond nature.” Citing a recent study, Eberstadt said that even now there are 20 million “missing” baby girls in Asia alone, that ***-selected abortions have permanently skewed the demographic balance of China and are in the process of skewing the demographic balance of India. He also showed the way that the trend has crept into Eastern Europe and Latin America, and that almost every African state is showing signs of vulnerability to the phenomenon.

    Since 1994, the UN has recognized that "son preference" is discriminatory to women and girls and the Beijing Platform for Action lists female infanticide and prenatal *** selection as incidences of violence against women.

    The recent Violence Against Children (VAC) study released earlier this year made no mention of the problem of ***-selected abortions whereby parents are forced or coerced to choose one or two children and almost inevitably choose to abort unborn girls. The 139-page in-depth Violence Against Women (VAW) study also released this year only referred to prenatal *** selection three times.

    A delegate who attended the lecture told the Friday Fax, “This is astonishing. The research clearly shows that this is a growing problem all over the world. It is our job as delegates to seek solutions.”

    Experts say solutions will be hard to come by. Eberstadt pointed out that when South Korea made *** selected abortions illegal, the practice sky-rocketed. It is likely the only cure will be a curb on all abortions. Experts also point out that a rising imbalance of boys to girls will lead to trafficking in women and could contribute to an increasing national security concerns.

    Copyright 2006 - C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute). Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required.

  3. #433

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (New Online Petitions added!)

    Pope: New Eugenics Strikes Developed World
    Cites Obsession for "Perfect Children"

    VATICAN CITY, FEB. 26, 2007 ( Benedict XVI says that a new form of eugenics is striking the most developed countries,
    where an "obsessive quest for the 'perfect child'" leads to the elimination of embryos.

    The Pope said this on Saturday to the participants in a congress organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life on the theme "The
    Christian Conscience as Support of the Right to Life."

    This quest, noted the Holy Father, leads to "legalizing euthanasia," multiplying at the same time the pressure to "legalize forms
    of living together alternative to marriage, closed to natural procreation."

    Less-developed countries face a similar pressure, Benedict XVI noted: "Ever stronger are the pressures to legalize abortion in the
    countries of Latin America and in developing countries."

    "Policies of demographic control are increasing, despite the fact they have already been recognized as pernicious, including at the
    economic and social level," he added.


    The Holy Father also said that human coexistence is based on recognition of the right to life.

    The right to life "is a right that must be supported by everyone, because it is the fundamental right with regard to the other
    human rights," said the Pope.

    "Human coexistence and the political community itself is founded on the recognition of this right," he added, quoting Pope John
    Paul II's encyclical "Evangelium Vitae."

    Benedict XVI said that "this right must be promoted particularly by believers in Christ," conscious of the fact that, "with the
    incarnation, the Son of God united himself in a certain sense to every man."

    It is a Christian's duty, he said, "to mobilize to address the many attacks to which the right to life is exposed."

  4. #434

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (New Online Petitions added!)

    about post #402

    how is it now? it says it will affect in the long run legalize RU-486

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