mga brod.. i need participants para sa survey.. here are the details:
Fury rios customers - 8pax----------------December 5, 2012 (9:00am)--------tba----------P1,500.00 + food
Fury R customers - 8pax------------------December 5, 2012 (2:00pm)--------tba----------P1,500.00 + food
XRM125 dual sport customers - 8pax-----December 6, 2012 (9:00am)---------tba---------P1,500.00 + food
XRM RS125 customers - 8pax-------------December 6, 2012 (2:00pm)--------tba----------P1,500.00 + food
1. Don not fall under the following occupation:
-Advertisement relations
-Design relations
-Magazine relations
-Mass communication relatrions (TV, Radio)
-Research relations
-Motorcycle relations (Production, Sales, Repair)
-Driving school relations
2. Owning the reasonable license of the motorcycle
3. Recruit 2012 year model
4. Owning brand new motorcycle
5. Being substantial user of the motorcycle of the existing possession
6. Deciding the purchase of the motorcycle of the existing possession for own intention
7. Those age must not be partial
8. Those occupations must not be partial to a student
pm me YOUR FULL NAME AND CONTACT NUMBER sa interested mga bro para ma reserve nako inyong names kay limited ra ni.. maka 1,500 Pesos pa mo, maka kaon pa gyud..

survey lang ang amo buhaton.. mag answer ra mo ug mga survey questioners..