1. Make Sure that your bike is in good condition:
Fuel - Full Tank
Tires - Right Tire Pressure and Good Thread Life
Oil - Right Oil Level
Brakes - Front and Rear brakes working
Lights - Headlight, Tailight and Signal Light are working
2. Riders and Back Riders must wear safety gears such as Helmet, Long Pants and Shoes
Jacket, Gloves and Pads are optional and if available
3. You may also want to bring along the following: (Better Ready than Sorry)
- Cash for (Snacks, Lunch, Pasalubong, Gas, Water etc)
- Drinking Water
- Rain Coat
- Spare Sparkplug
- Basic Tools (Spark Plug Wrench, Open Wrench, Screw Drivers)
- Spare Tire Inner Tube (Interior)
4. The ride will start with a prayer and getting to know you since some of has here haven't met in person yet.
5. Prior to ride off, the riders will be assigned a number
1 (Phaser) - Leads the ride and implement basic hand signals
2nd Rider
3rd Rider
4th Rider
Tail/Sweeper - The last rider of the convoy. Will act as a marshall during the entire ride.
Sees to it that nobody will be left behind. In case of an emergency stop, The tail rider
will overtake all the riders and inform the Phaser that the convoy must stop due to a particular reason (flat tire, accident, engine failure etc).
6. Rules during the ride: (Open for suggestions and more inputs)
-NO RACING and NO DRINKING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES before and within the Ride.
-Once the ride has started, the Rider must observe his assigned number.
- A rider must observe safety riding habits (no horse playing)
-He/She must not overtake nor be overtaken by other rider within the convoy.
-The rider must be aware of the fellow rider in front and behind him/her.
-The Rider must maintain at least 1 car distance before each other.
- The Phaser will be speeding approximately 50 to 70kph (depending on road conditions and circumstances) and sees to it that fellow riders are able to catch up.
- During the 1st stop over, a rider must express his assessment base on his/her given number if he/she is comfortable with it or as well want to be given another number. (Some riders prefer leading ahead, riding in the middle of the convoy or on the tail part of the convoy).
-Let us always remember to always park our Bike properly so as not to cause inconvenience to fellow motorists