The registered office of the Club shall be in Cebu City Philippines.
The club seal shall have inscribed thereon the name of the club, the year of it’s organization and the words “Club Seal, Cebu City”.
This organization will be known as the United FZ16 Club Cebu.
The purposes of the UFC are to bring together a group of people who enjoy similar philosophies and riding styles with a focus on community spirit. The UFC will focus on giving to those in need through charity events and community service activities while promoting a positive self image. The UFC will promote fellowship among motorcycle riders and improve relations between the general public and motorcycle riders through discussion and social events. This UFC will not discriminate against any race, religion or ethnicity. In addition, the club will welcome all riders, regardless of their choice of manufacturer. The UFC will promote motorcycle safety and education through motorcycle rider safety courses, seminars, and rallies; and through newsletters and discussion among members. This UFC will provide educational information on mechanical improvements, safety gear, riding techniques, motorcycle history and motorcycle maintenance and repair with the UFC members.
The officers of the UFC shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. A Chapter Head and Board Member will be added should the UFC grow and develop separate chapters. Appointed Positions and committees will be outlined below.
Officers must be a member in good standing. Officers will be elected by Full Members in good standing. The term of each officer shall be one (1) year and shall begin on February 10 and end on January 10. Officers will receive one vote in an officer or Board election. Any officer, board member, or committee member may resign by written notice thereof to the Secretary, or, in the case of the resignation of the Secretary, by written notice to the President. Vacancies shall be filled by a Presidential appointment for the remainder of the term. In the case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall assume the office of the President for the remainder of the term.
A. Presidential Duties
1. To preside at all meetings of the UFC.
2. To have general supervision of the affairs of the UFC.
3. Shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.
4. To appoint any person or committee members not otherwise ordered by the UFC.
5. To personally represent the UFC on proper occasions and with business contacts.
6. To assist all other officers of the Club in their records, correspondence, and other duties
7. To promote interest on the part of each member in the Club and its activities.
9. To be EX-OFFICIO a member of all committees and shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of president.
B. Vice Presidential Duties
1. To perform the duties of the President in his absence and to assist the President in all of his duties.
2. To perform such other duties as he may be required to do from time to time.
C. Secretarial Duties
1. To record (or to arrange to be recorded) and maintain records of all meetings in a book or books kept for that purpose. Such book or books shall also contain records of all meetings of Incorporators and the original or attested copy of the Articles of Organization and by-laws of the UFC and the names of all officers and Board members and the address of each.
2. To handle all correspondence for the UFC.
3. To perform all functions related to the election of UFC officers as described in these by-laws
4. To file with the Internal Revenue Service on a yearly basis.
5. To send out notices of regular or special meetings.
6. To record all votes in a club election.
7. To keep in safe custody the club, and when authorized by the President, affix the same to any instrument requiring it.
D. Treasurer Duties
1. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the UFC and shall be subject to the direction of the Board.
2. To establish and/or maintain a bank account in the name of the UFC.
3. To maintain the financial records of the UFC.
4. To collect all dues and other monies owed to the UFC.
5. To maintain these funds in said bank account.
6. To maintain all membership files and records.
7. To keep the President and the editor of the newsletter apprised of all changes in the membership.
8. To provide information to the newsletter committee regarding inclusion of a membership renewal form in the newsletter
9. To examine and (if found correct) approve all bills against the UFC.
10. To make payments from M.C. funds when so ordered by the President and Secretary
11. To present a financial report at each Board meeting.
12. To present a written financial report at the UFC Monthly Meeting.
E. Auditor Duties
To audit the funds of the treasurer and make the report to the club member during the official meeting.
F. Public Relation Officers Duties
In charge all the events and media advertising to the club.
G. Road Captains Duties
Lead smaller groups on large group rides. There will be one Road Capt. for every four (4) riders on a trip.
Keep formation in parade routes.
Enforce group riding rules for all rides.
Assist with planning all tours, runs, and related activities sponsored by the UFC.
They shall help to arouse interest in and lead said activities and shall enforce group riding rules during said tours and runs.
They shall assist at parties and other functions sponsored by the UFC and shall select assistants to aid in special tasks as they deem necessary.
Special committees may be created and their members shall be appointed by the President. These committees may be eliminated by the President. As with standing appointments, all special committees shall be subject to the general control and direction of the Board.
An election shall be held each November. The Secretary shall invite nominations for each of the six (6) offices at the October meeting or in the October newsletter. Any member in good standing may nominate another member of good standing for an office by contacting the Secretary. The Secretary shall then determine if the nominee is eligible to serve under the conditions set forth in these by-laws. If the nominee is eligible, the Secretary shall contact the nominee and determine if he is willing to serve; if so, the nominee's name shall be placed on a ballot to be included at the November meeting or in the November issue of the newsletter. If so desired, each nominee will have an opportunity to include a small bio and goals in the November newsletter or the opportunity to speak at the November meeting. An anonymous ballot election shall take place at the December general meeting. The current Secretary may count the ballots or may appoint another member to do so. The results of the election shall be announced by the Secretary at the December general meeting and published in the January issue of the newsletter.
Membership in the UFC, its dues and meetings, are as follows:
There shall be Five (5) classes of membership: Founding Member, Full Member, Associate Member, Probationary Member and Absentee Member. All members shall have the right to attend any meeting of the UFC, including Officer meetings, and to participate in any events sponsored by or involving the UFC. Full Members and Associate members shall have a vote in any issue brought before a general meeting, a vote in the election of officers, and shall be eligible to serve as officers. If a member leaves the club, for any reason, he/she must return the club patch to a current Officer. All UFC members, no matter their standing, will obey these rules:
A. Drinking alcohol will not be permitted while on a rides or at meetings
B. No riding while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
C. No Weapons, Drugs or reckless riding will be tolerated
D. All members must have a valid Motorcycle license, insurance and registration
E. All members must ride street bikes
F. All members must be safety conscious
G. All members must ride safely and defensively
H. All members are held to their own individual accountability
I. All members are encourage to attend as many M.C. meetings, functions and charitable events as possible
J. All members must obey all local motor vehicle laws
K. All members will ride in staggered formation on group rides
L. All members will use group riding signals when riding with others
M. All members must agree to accept all UFC By-Laws
N. Any member who is more than three (3) months late in paying dues may be expelled from the UFC with a Officers & members vote. This can be avoided if special arrangements have been made
P. Any member may be expelled for conduct unbecoming a member of the UFC.
Q. For a member to be expelled, charges must first be made in writing and submitted to an officer.
i. Founding Member
a. A Founding Member is a Full Member of the UFC who was one of the original members in the year 2011.
ii. Full Member
a. A Full member is a member of good standing.
b. A Full member is an individual who has kept his/her membership current while representing the UFC in a positive manner.
c. A Full member must have his/her own motorcycle.
d. A Full Member will participate in all UFC functions such as Charity events, Socials and Meetings.
iii. Associate Members
a. To be eligible for an Associate membership, a person must be involved in a relationship with a Full Member of good standing.
b. Associate members will pay half the present dues.
c. Associate members will pay an additional Php 50.00 for UFC colors.
iiii. Probationary Members
a. A Probationary member is one who aspires to become a Full Member. This individual must be sponsored by a Full member in good standing. Probationary members have no voting rights.
b. All Probationary Members must:
1. Interact well with other current members.
2. Improve the climate of the UFC. when present.
3. Serve a period of time (to include an unspecified amount of rides and post meetings/club functions) until a full member in good standing will sponsor the prospect for membership.
4. At the completion of the Probationary Members qualifying period, a UFC vote will be taken into consideration with the final decision to be made from the Officers & members.
iiiii. Absentee Member
a. An Absentee Member is a former Full member who is no longer able to participate in the functions of the UFC due to extenuating circumstances.
b. An Absentee Member no longer has voting rights.
c. An Absentee Member may continue receiving the UFC newsletter
d. An Absentee Member may return to Full Membership by paying the difference in dues.
The Dues are Php 1,200.00 per year with an Membership fee of Php 500.00 with ID already.
There shall be two types of meetings: general meetings and Officer meetings.
A. General meetings shall be held once each month and will usually be held the first (1st) Saturday of the month at a place and time to be determined by the membership. The members shall determine at each general meeting the date, time, and location of the succeeding month's meeting, and this information shall be reported in the following month's update. Two-thirds of the Members are a quorum and business can be conducted as scheduled. A majority vote of all Full Members and Associate members present, and voting, shall be required for passage of all business resolutions. There shall be no proxy votes unless prior arrangements have been made through the Current Officers. The November general assembly shall be the UFC. Annual Meeting. General meetings will be closed to anyone that is not a current member of UFC. Visitors may attend club meetings if arrangements have been made prior to the meeting.
B. Officer meetings shall be held when deemed necessary by the President. The President shall determine the date, time, and location of each Officers meeting and make this information available to the membership through the update. Officers shall constitute a quorum and business can be conducted as needed. A majority vote of all Officers present, and voting, shall be required for passage of all business resolutions. Proxy votes must be arranged prior to a meeting. Officer meetings will be closed unless prior arrangements have been made.
I. Upon written request of any member, the corporation shall mail to that member its balance sheet as at the end of the preceding fiscal year, and its statement of income and expenses for that fiscal year.
These by-laws may only be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of founding members in good standing. Voting must be presided over by an officer. Amendments may be proposed by any Full Member and must be submitted to the membership through an officer, in writing, at least thirty (30) days before a vote.
All M.C. purchases must be voted on and accepted by the Current Officers. All UFC withdrawals and/or checks must include the signature of both the Treasurer and President. If a transaction is performed in cash, the ledger transaction must show two signatures.
The UFC will have several different methods of fundraising events. Some examples may include but shall not be limited to: Motorcycle Runs, Bike Washes, sales of items/services, food/clothing drives, recycling programs, collections of items, and Breakfasts/Brunches/Lunches/Dinners. Donations collected by these fundraising events will be dispersed (3) charities, private foundations, accounts established for families where tragedy has stricken and families or individuals where medical and/or therapeutic needs have arisen. Decisions regarding recipients of charitable donations will be made by the Current Officers and Members of the UFC Once a recipient has been determined, an officer of the club will confirm the books (3) charitable organizations, private foundations, families or individuals.
If at any time in the future, the membership decides to dissolve the UFC, as shown by a majority vote of all Full Members, after payment of all of the liabilities of the UFC or due provision therefore, all of the assets of the UFC shall be converted to cash and donated to Charitable Group Said donation is to be used exclusively to support their needs.