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I beg to dis agree w/you nga si Juan ug Juana ang nag effort to restore democracy&freedom in this country kay if it's true then during the 70's pa unta wagtang na ang mga Marcos it was the assasination of Ninoy that woke up juan&juana to the reality that Marcos can do anything to hold on to power&it was Cory who united the fragmented opposistion in the 86 snap election against Marcos&during the People Power Revolution it was her in the front line I know co'z i was part of it&the juan&juana draw strength from her if not for Ninoy&Cory would the people rally behind the like of Doy Laurel or Enrile the ans would be a big NO btw were were you during that time

?I would just like to give credit were credit is due if your opinion is adverse from mine then I rspect it I hope you would also respect mine.........
@pewee I was a mere boy when martial law was declared brad I have no recollection of it during the 70's but in the 80's when I was a teenager I was aware that politics was just controlled by just 1 man Marcos society was very divided even w/in the families mine was no exception there were dinners when we engage in arguments bec my Lolo&Father were Marcos loyalist&me in the other hand is oppose to them during the 80's I started to go to rallies&beaten up by the police or military those were the dark days esp when Ninoy sa assasinated in 83' I also a Namfrel volunteer in the 86' snap Election&I witness 1st hand the violence&intimidation during election day esp the Danao a known Marcos country were Cory got 0 votes I was part of the revolution in 86 that's why I hate when people choose to forget history&just being passive but i can't also blame them esp those who are born after 86 co'z they never experience it 1st hand they just know it in books but I hope we give credit were credit is due.................
it's sad to hear your story sir. katong ni rally ra mn kaha ang gipang kulata sir? ang wla ni rally ky wa ra mn kaha unsa-a?
you said nga loyalist sa mga marcos imong lolo and papa. can you please tell us why or unsa ilang reason why they chose to be on marcos' side? na curious ko gd. salamat daan sir...