knang mga artistang nag support ana,gpang bully na sa ilang twitter,mao na dha,npay sharon,daghan kaaway sa twitter.
Good idea coz it will help to solve CyberCrime today!
Not a Good idea coz it will affect our Freedom of Speech!
knang mga artistang nag support ana,gpang bully na sa ilang twitter,mao na dha,npay sharon,daghan kaaway sa twitter.
Basin mag-apil apil na ta ani ug sayaw didto sa CPDRC.
last administration daghan kaayo batikos pero wlay may law nga pariha ani nga gibuhat lagi.. personal interest rani nila.. naka benefits diay ko ani nga law if naay modaot nako dri sa net kaya kaha nako ipadakop?
Hmm let's see...
You have other similar posts which can be considered as libelous, but I'm too lazy to dig them up. And as long as these stay online, you can be held liable. Just pray Teletech doesn't sue your sorry ass.
Now unlike you, I don't want to live in a country that has its people muzzled and suppressed. I might think your opinions make you a bitch/asshole, but I will gladly stand up for your right to express yourself on the Web. Heck, some of the posts and threads here on iStorya are dumb as fÜck, but should they be policed because they're offensive? No, because freedom of expression is what the Internet is about (of course, this site's administrators are free to do what they want with uploaded content).
What's next, jailing people for having conversations on why the government sucks balls? This policing of the Internet is a hair away from it.
Last edited by diatabz; 10-03-2012 at 02:57 PM.
Sa mga nag-isug2x diri sa forum nya dili diay tinoud na isog nya pataka lang sa gibati og post2x sa mga thread, pagsugod namo patubo og sisi & ngipon sa inyong lub0t kay ang 12yrs murag taud2x ra ba gyud na, wala na gyud tingog and ut0t nato ana. Kung malibang, mura na lang og si goat the wonderful, pikpikon na lang ang lub0t.hehe=))
support ang mga way social life og wa kaila og internet ihas naman tingali rong goberyno nato nya na ignoy pajud.
go Cyber crime. . . .
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