View Poll Results: Congress approves Anti Cybercrime Bill HB 5808. Is it Good or Bad?

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  • Good idea coz it will help to solve CyberCrime today!

    14 10.69%
  • Not a Good idea coz it will affect our Freedom of Speech!

    117 89.31%
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Results 431 to 440 of 875
  1. #431

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    i think we can still bend this law, i don't know about sa admin basin mauna pa sila ka priso nato , hehe joke.

  2. #432

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    mga underage mo atake aning cybercrime, jajajajaja...kay dli ma priso...

  3. #433

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    kung butangan ninyo ug "joke lang" sa last line,..inyu mga sentements, for example, "si tito sotto ka'y rapist na pisot, hehehe joke lang" na na libelous, admit mn ka na de na tinood,..ana-on na lang nato, hehehehe

  4. #434

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    if you won't see me online for 12 years, kabalo namo! hahaha...

  5. #435

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer_and_Sickle View Post
    kung butangan ninyo ug "joke lang" sa last line,..inyu mga sentements, for example, "si tito sotto ka'y rapist na pisot, hehehe joke lang" na na libelous, admit mn ka na de na tinood,..ana-on na lang nato, hehehehe
    kasohan japon ka ana idol, jejejeje....

  6. #436
    Elite Member jadestoner's Avatar
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    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    murag mag-grand eyeball ta dd2 sa prisohan mga bords og yads~! hahahaha

  7. #437

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    doubt japon ko aning cybercrime law....lets say ma trace nila ang IP sa user nga naka violate...pero naa ra sa suking cafe siya gagamit...and we all use alias(aside atong complete name jud kaayo)....QUESTION: unsaon kaha nila pag pinpoint nga mao tong tawhana gagamit ato nga unit at certain time.....?? or basin naa sad silay finger printing sa keyboard

  8. #438

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    I fear's homos3xuals will be the first to violate this law seeing how badly they want to be s0domized. Little do they know that this type of s3xual behavior, unlike prison scenes immortalized in western films, is actually frowned upon by our local convicts. Takal ang reward sa masakpan sa atong prisohan.

  9. #439

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    Quote Originally Posted by bizz_dakk View Post
    doubt japon ko aning cybercrime law....lets say ma trace nila ang IP sa user nga naka violate...pero naa ra sa suking cafe siya gagamit...and we all use alias(aside atong complete name jud kaayo)....QUESTION: unsaon kaha nila pag pinpoint nga mao tong tawhana gagamit ato nga unit at certain time.....?? or basin naa sad silay finger printing sa keyboard
    email add? de buh mo gamit mn ka'g e-mail add para register diri,..naa na sila'y power mo extract ug information through your email add unless, kung ang imong e-mail add gi-gamit, ka'y katong fake email add nimo, katong alyas nimo ang wala ka nag gamit sa imong exact na address, ug wala'y contacts..

  10. #440

    Default Re:'s very existence could be threatened by the CyberCrime Act and here's why

    ma trace ba kun mogamit ug proxy?

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