^ they signed the law (which includes the libel provision) meaning they approved it -- prior signed by the president.
Good idea coz it will help to solve CyberCrime today!
Not a Good idea coz it will affect our Freedom of Speech!
^ they signed the law (which includes the libel provision) meaning they approved it -- prior signed by the president.
saw this link in the net..
section no. 4
1987 Philippine Constitution - The LawPhil Project
I hope this law will be review thoroughly... there are pros and cons on this law
and no.1 is freedom of expression via Internet... mawala ang rights sa tao mo pagawas sa gbati thru internet... freedom of speech nga kasagaran g exercise kron sa kadaghana thru internet.. coz its the fastest way to transport/recieve message..
ma apektuhan ang negosyo sa mga service provider ani.. saonz.. mo hinay na ky mo less na ang usage sa net sa majority..
wala naman mg chika2x post2x sa net... hehehe.. gamay nlang mg line nga personal use ky gamit nlang sa pina ka importante dyd.. less na ang social networking...
so bawal na mg post2x sa facebook ug shout out heheheh...
bawal mg post ug complain thru internet...
why change the whole law if the issue is the libel provision?
buhat nalang ta ug atoang net server para wlai bala-od
who says ONLY ONE provision is the issue here? Even the DOJ admits objection in some provisions.
De Lima: DOJ objected to provisions of Cybercrime Act | ABS-CBN News- Sec. 4 (c) [4], which criminalizes libel, not only on the internet, but also on "any other similar means which may be devised in the future;"
- Sec. 5, which identifies also identifies the following as violations of the law: (a) aiding or abetting in the commission of cybercrime, and (b) attempt in the commission of cybercrime;
- Sec. 6, which raises by one degree higher the penalties provided for by the Revised Penal Code for all crimes committed through and with the use of information and communications;
- Sec. 7, that provides that apart from prosecution under the assailed law, any person charged for the alleged offense covered will not be spared from violations of the Revised Penal Code and other special laws;
- Sec. 12, which authorizes the real-time collection of traffic data;
- Sec. 15, which authorizes the search, seizure and examination of computer data; and
- Sec. 19, which authorizes the DOJ to block access to computer data when such data "is prima facie found to be in violation of the provisions of this Act."
those who is in favor that this law be repelled are in favor of cyber pornography, spamming and cyber fraud...
for petes sake just ask them to repel the libel provision... kana lang... narrowed na kaayo inyo pag sabot its just one provision ang issue asked them to remove that... and that alone... geez... if ma repel man gani ni nga law tungod lang sa usa ka provision... my countrymen deserved to have darwin awards... no offense sa mga gusto ma repel ni... but common sense lang... usa rana ka provision... ngano tanan man amongon...
^ My previous post answers your question. I don't think its tantamount to call those who ask to repel the law as advocates of cyber porno, bullying or spamming.
- Sec. 4 (c) [4], which criminalizes libel, not only on the internet, but also on "any other similar means which may be devised in the future;"
this one should be removed
- Sec. 5, which identifies also identifies the following as violations of the law: (a) aiding or abetting in the commission of cybercrime, and (b) attempt in the commission of cybercrime;
- Sec. 6, which raises by one degree higher the penalties provided for by the Revised Penal Code for all crimes committed through and with the use of information and communications;
- Sec. 7, that provides that apart from prosecution under the assailed law, any person charged for the alleged offense covered will not be spared from violations of the Revised Penal Code and other special laws;
- Sec. 12, which authorizes the real-time collection of traffic data;
- Sec. 15, which authorizes the search, seizure and examination of computer data; and
this is one intended for prosecution of operator of cyber s3x, child pornography and fraud
- Sec. 19, which authorizes the DOJ to block access to computer data when such data "is prima facie found to be in violation of the provisions of this Act."
libel is the main issue have you read the law? i do from top to bottom multiple times... and i found that libel is one of the provision that are prone to abused...
now tell me if you want this to be repelled, what would do if you see an operator of cybers3x, online scammer, child pornography?
this is are the main reason for this law.... ang naka parat lang gi insert sa kagwang ang libel on the last minute....
wa ko mo believe sa taga doj... after couple of months bawion rana nila ang ila gisulti...
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