lingaw man sad sya and dili pud bastos so pwede ra ma-bata or tiguwang kantaha unlike atong teach me how to doughie hehehe!
lingaw man sad sya and dili pud bastos so pwede ra ma-bata or tiguwang kantaha unlike atong teach me how to doughie hehehe!
congratz psy... Hehehe. Nindot jd cya nga song...
saw ufc on fox last sunday, even the ufc fighter who won, si gunner, danced his version of gagam, whatever you call it style...
what the eps... i think i am one of the few people who have not seen the video and don't have plans in the future to add to whatever record breaking views that korean guy did in his video, hehehe... i'm not interested at all...
hahaha, gangnam style idoooool
tan-awon nato if kusug pa ba ang kisaw aning gangnam next month
deserving mn sd sila sa title nga most liked video.
didn't even know there was such award...
Si PSY murag si Jugs sa Itchyworms!
WOW, dalia ra dyud nisikat uy, kalit ra man to. pero bitaw lingaw ang song maka lss
chuya gud ni psy. lingaw mn sd ang gangnam style bitaw.. kumpara sa ... dougie? ug macarena? haha
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