There you have it MichaelNikki. Take it from the Bokeh Specialist.. BTW, Nice pics boss kolz..
There you have it MichaelNikki. Take it from the Bokeh Specialist.. BTW, Nice pics boss kolz..
30K is more than enough to get you started in digital photography...dont listen to ian...hehehe joke lang ian
bitaw michaelnikki, go digital diritso...its faster to learn...convient...more fun to play with for newbies...
most importantly cheaper in the long run
get a used 350D for less than 30k. keep little extra change from the 30k to buy yourself an extra battery and decent size memory card
i recommend 1GB at least...more if possible...use up that 30k wisely and you'll be good
then start shooting, have fun and start saving again for an external flash...then the rest will follow![]()
gizmo text line +63918-94-GIZMO (0918-94-44966)
NOW HIRING we also accept dealers & freelance agents
Boss Ian: Umm no offense but i wouldn't want to go through the hassles of shooting/taking pictures on film then waiting for hours to had it developed. I would rather start with digital more convenient though. Shoot shoot shoot then save in My Documents.
Boss kolzz: Thanx for that fine piece of advice i will take note of that sir. Wheew that maxim cover girL was really stunning! Maybe after 2-3 years i would experience those kinda shoots. If lady god venus permits
Bossing MarkYap: Salute 2 you! If im not mistaken i saw you on the sinulog streets last january along jones ave. I would like to ask if you happen to know a photographers/photography club here in cebu? Also, i would be interested if you happen to know anyone in your club or one of your friends who happens to sell their "In great/good condition" extra DSLR for a cheaper price with extra kit etc. Im also interested to know if there are short classes for photography.![]()
MichaelNikki, its alright. Yes definitely going digital is a lot cheaper in the long run. Try to ask markyap for dSLR and also for the photo club? Why not join the IPC? Its free to join I think and plus you'll have good photog buddies that will teach you the basics as a bonus. Check on their latest photo session with a model at markyap's studio.
im actually part of several photo clubs...Originally Posted by MichaelNikki
currently, two i know are welcoming new members...
the oldest running photo club in cebu is IMAGES CAMERA CLUB if you want to join contact me directly.
expect bigger dues and a lot of dedication.
but you get to be with the best of the best...
like in this years sinulog contest, about a dozen of the winners are ICC members
also do consider joining us sa IPC...
or why not both![]()
3 IPC members are also ICC members
regarding the DSLR, il ask around...
gizmo text line +63918-94-GIZMO (0918-94-44966)
NOW HIRING we also accept dealers & freelance agents
MichaelNikki: one thing that a film slr will teach you is how to be disciplined enough to get the right exposure and composition before you even think of pressing the shutter button. it also teaches you how not to be shutter happy and get better photos.
but in the long run, a dslr may be a wiser investment. with a dSLR you do not have to make a trip to a photo lab to see your photos. but your hit/miss ratio may rise a bit higher.
Mr. Mark Yap: Thank you for the infos. If i may kindly ask, How may i contact you if i wish to be part of your club/organization? Of course i have to secure a DSLR first. Good Morning.
Bossing Pnoize2k7: Sir, when you quoted "but your hit/miss ratio may rise a bit higher." What do you mean by that?
Please understand if i ask a lotta questions in this thread as i just want to learn about photography and the needed equipment, its pro's and cons to ensure my satisfaction and investment in buying the right SLR/DSLR.![]()
@MichaelNikki: Why not go for the 400D, I know it above your budget but you might want to consider the 0% interest payment scheme of Canon (SM) or Colours.
get a camera first (either P&S/DSLR), practice shooting...then ask questions later =)
MichaelNikki: there is no better way to gain knowledge but to ask questions. no question is stuipid, only the stupid don't ask questions.
when i said that "your hit / miss ratio may rise a bit higher" i meant that unlike film cameras, digital cameras allow you to commit mistakes and erase them later on. Film cameras, on the other hand, does not allow you to erase an exposed frame as it is permanently exposed on the negative. thus, there is a tendency to shoot more without really having to expose and compose correctly because there is the convenience of being able to erase an unwanted frame, giving you a higher bad / good photo ratio (or
miss / hit ratio).
Film cameras, in comparison, forces you to be disciplined to get the correct exposure and composition as having it processed is a bit expensive, therefore, one tends to be more careful with the output. giving you a higher "good photo percentage".
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