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  1. #71

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    pag sagdi na siya bro, ganiha rako sige ingon ana niya nga mao bitaw dire nako gipost di gyud kasabot. haha

  2. #72

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    Quote Originally Posted by jhay86 View Post
    mao gyud ni ang typical iphone hater! hahahaha luoya pud tawun nimu ui kun mao na imung tan aw sa mga iphone owner mura mag feel nku nuon ang imung pagka inferiority complex tungod lang ana.. how sad.. how very very sad..
    see? this is just one sample.

  3. #73

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    @jhay86even in your Avatar bro, you want people to know that you OWN an iPhone haha HOW LAME!

  4. #74

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    Quote Originally Posted by bordikun View Post
    @jhay86even in your Avatar bro, you want people to know that you OWN an iPhone haha HOW LAME!
    hahaha kuyawa ui in ana diay na kun mag mirror shot gusto na daun ipahibalo nga i own an iphone? mao diay init kaayo inyong ulo sa mga iphone users kay as simple as that kay patulan ninyo. ang uban dnhe nga avatar kay mga background naa sa new york, sg, uk so pasabot ana they want people to know nga naabot na sila anang lugara? lol gamayag utok aning ubang android users ui....
    Last edited by jhay86; 09-29-2012 at 06:45 PM.

  5. #75

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    ^ikaw raman siguro nag init ang ulo diha haha

  6. #76

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    hahahah tan awa lang gud kinsay mga init kaayo sa iphone diba kamo raman? lowwwwwl!

  7. #77

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    yeah this thread is about sharing thoughts about how iphone sucks. nya ikaw init imung ulo kay hate namo ang iphone wahaha

  8. #78

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    sus unsa nalang kaha diay imu reaction didto sa thread dnhe sa gadget section about mga newly acquired gadget nga gi napost didto sus patilan mag aso2x jud cguo imung ilong!!! hahahahahahahahah lingawa. avatar pa lang gali ni akoa lagot na ayo ka! hahahaha

  9. #79

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    nag OT namo.

  10. #80

    Default re: Why do you "HATE/didn't bought/don't like" iPhone?

    bitaw back to topic. don't mind this Apple fan boy

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