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Thread: 3DS user thread

  1. #241

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate! Yey!

  2. #242

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    next year pa but daghan pud nice games this BEER months.

    I'm having my eyes on code of princess, hopefully paper mario.

  3. #243

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Monster Hunter Ultimate has NO ONLINE play.. how sad it is.

  4. #244

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    inig unang sweldo plano nako palit 3ds pra pokemon and zelda ahahah unsa pa man mga nndot rpgs sa 3ds mga idol?

  5. #245

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    RPGs are rare. There are only 3 RPGs that I know of, with my order of preference.

    1. Shin Megami Tensei Overclocked
    2. Tales of the Abyss
    3. Zelda: Ocarina of time

    I highly recommend Resident Evil Revelations too; I know its not an RPG but its a must have for any 3DS owner.

    if you love tactical turn-based RPG with almost 95% voice acting then go for Shin Megami, I had played it for over 160+hours with more than 8 possible endings, if I am not mistaken.

    Maybe you can join us in our next meet up, nothing beats getting more puzzle pieces, meeting fellow nintendo fans and talking about gaming.
    Last edited by mraljoriz; 09-19-2012 at 08:28 PM.

  6. #246

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    I already tried no.1 on an emulator and i liked it,its definitely on my list of games to buy along with no. 3 as for no. 2 i watched and liked the anime so ill give it a try. RE revelations yeah saw vids on youtube and i liked it ill also give it a try.


  7. #247

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    May I suggest you buy the system at I-tech? No I don't work for them but their system is way cheaper although the system is not SEALED.

    As for the games try getting Shin Megami Tensei at Datablitz SM, as they are cheaper but if they don't have it on stock I think I-tech if they still have it.

  8. #248

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    the Yuletide season and next year will be a BIG one for 3DS with the following games

    Paper mario - one of the funniest RPGs
    Prof. Layton5
    Phoenix Wright 3ds
    Monster Hunter Ultimate

  9. #249

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    uhm i heard from a friend na naa daw 3ds package,im not sure unsa jd naa sa package bsta with 1 free game daw and mas mka save daw ko if kato ako e buy ambot sa asa 2 XD

  10. #250

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    seriously you can save more if you buy them seperately, do some canvassing first.

    The only store I know that gives a package is I-tech Compare system pricess and game prices from both stores Datablitz and I-tech. mag silinggan ra nang duha ka store sa SM Cebu cyberzone Go for 3DS XL, if the money will allow you to.

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