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  1. #11

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die? we really have to discuss why jesus have to sacrifice himself?? If you are trying to answer that question you are trying to be more than God himself, only God knows the answers.

    If you are a christian, stop it with the discussions, do whatever is necessary to help one's brethren, in other words; move and do action not words. Cause talking about this type of issues is a waste of time. This thread can go on a thousand pages without getting one concrete answer.

    only when we die, is the time we get to see the answers.

  2. #12

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Are you willing to live your life blindly? Are willing to live life without any questions? In fact, who has no questions at all?

  3. #13

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by duskymaid
    "For this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men." He died to fulfill al righteousness... He died to be able to give us humans, the chance to live and be reconciled with our father in heaven. before we came into this earth, there was a grand council in heaven.

    Lucifer and jesus Christ both volunteered to come to earth as our heavenly father was looking for someone to be our creator and saviour.

    Lucifer first volunteered and said that he'd bring all of us back if god will send him to earth. God didnt like that because he wanted to give us the free agency... the freedom to choose.

    Jesus Christ said, "Father, send me and the glory be thine forever.."

    Jesus christ had to die for us to be given the chance to go back to our father's presence... he was our exemplar and because of his death we will all die to and go through the same process as he did...
    im really interested with this. where did you obtain this information?

    is there anyone who knows where i can view a translation to the dead sea scrolls?

  4. #14

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by Luthienne
    Quote Originally Posted by zer0_cooL
    my view:

    i am an athiest.... but i used to be a devoted christian but i have some questions that needs answers and so far i haven't found the answer even in the bible... so i dont care much on why he died....
    like what questions?
    its mine to keep.. i dont want to infect people with my belief in HIM

    ive already infected somebody with it i dont want it to happen again.... hehhehe

  5. #15

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    @ zer0_cooL: i found your reason for becoming an atheist curious. it's curious that u became an atheist just coz u had some unanswered questions. and i found it curious when u said u couldn't find any answer in the bible when a lot of people seek the bible for answers.

  6. #16

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by zer0_cooL
    its mine to keep.. i dont want to infect people with my belief in HIM
    notice the bold letters. i thought u were an atheist.

  7. #17

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by zer0_cooL
    my view:

    i am an athiest.... but i used to be a devoted christian but i have some questions that needs answers and so far i haven't found the answer even in the bible... so i dont care much on why he died....
    I dont believe in athiest pinoy. maybe someone who just been lazy to go to church or just plain busy with career. being an atheist is being like born in an islands where you're the only one person living it.

  8. #18

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    For me, it will mislead you if you interpret or question events in the Bible individually. Little is it known, and I guess only to believers who have sufficient understanding of the Bible as their basis for Christian faith, that the true message of the Holy Bible is God’s eternal effort to bring man closer to Him.

    Let me tell the Bible story first according to my own understanding, it will answer the question why “Jesus had to die on the cross”.

    In the beginning:

    God’s relationship with his greatest creation was very close in fact He talked to them himself, to Adam and Eve, when they were in the Garden of Eden.

    The fall of man:

    When Adam and Eve were ousted and exiled from the Garden of Eden and was punished by God, that was the beginning of the distance that God has set towards his most beloved creation. For why he did this, Christians will never admit, that their God is a jealous God. That if you really interpret it simply, he’s in competition with Satan. That’s why He permits evil. To see that man will love him of his own accord despite the pleasures in giving in to evil.

    The luring of man towards evil:
    Man multiplied according to God’s wishes. But men destroyed men, and God wasn’t pleased.

    - How should we define evil in man’s early existence?
    - No 10 commandments yet and no Bible, no rules, no laws. God probably did not foresee the future of man because of this thing called freewill. He didn’t know what man would do next. So I think basically there truly was no exact, definite definition of evil. Satan existed? Let’s say he did exist. All he knew doing during that time was to tempt man to do things displeasing to the eyes of God. Men destroyed men and did things towards his own destruction. Thus, what I call “wrong” during that time.

    Of course it bothered Him:

    And He had to do something about it to save man. He found someone to send His message through Noah but nobody believed in him. God was angry and punished all those who were unrighteous, they all perished in the great flood. In the hopes that Noah and his family’s descendants will all be righteous.

    Moses and the 10 Commandments:

    Guess it didn’t work eh? So He sends Moses His 10 commandments. Finally some laws.

    Destruction of Soddom and Gommorha:

    How to make man believe in Him, the 10 commandments wasn’t enough I guess. So He had to destroy man again.

    The ways of the Old Testament is a little bit strict and the punishments are cruel. Yes, there were God’s chosen messengers, but yet only a few believed in God.

    The promise of salvation:

    Where to save from? Was it already in the Old Testament about final judgment? This I am not sure. But as my story goes it seemed like evil always triumphed and won over good (pleasing to God’s eyes), that’s why God had to punish the unrighteous as always hoping that the future descendants won’t do the same as they did. Didn’t work, he sent His commandments through Moses, maybe it worked but just a little. There were always many who follow the ways of the evil than the good. Then came the destruction of Soddom and Gommorha.

    On and forth… then came prophecies of the coming of the son of God, who will save man from sin. Here I disagree with Zerone Null about freewill. It was long prophesied by the prophet Elijah, and a few others about the coming of Christ, and these were from the books of the Old Testament. This is all God’s plan.

    The coming of the Christ:

    Because man did not believe in just mere words and messages through God’s messengers, He sent His only begotten son, Jesus, who taught in parables and who performed miracles. Like our notion “To see is to believe”? Guess so.

    Now here comes the contradiction. The New Testament contradicted a few entries or made right laws in the Old Testament particularly God’s greatest commandments, which was generalized into two, and a few others. Here, God presented himself as all forgiving, not as forceful as he was in the Old Testament.

    Jesus Christ brought the good news and the promise of salvation. Thus, clearly defining what is good and what is right and what will happen to those who do not follow God’s commandments.

    He had to die, as this is what God’s plan is for His son. If Jesus did not die, there won’t be any resurrection. Let us remember that even during Jesus death, His disciples especially Peter didn’t have enough faith that the scriptures will be fulfilled, that He will rise from the dead after 3 days. Peter had to see with His own eyes and Jesus said to Him “He had little faith”. Jesus had to die to prove to man that God is all-powerful. Jesus served as the bridge between God and man. If we remember, despite persecutions against the disciples, they scattered and spread the good news. That’s why Jesus had to die. If He did not die, the disciples won’t truly truly know God’s glory.

    After Jesus death what next?
    Jesus said to His disciples that He will not leave them that He is always there. Whenever two or three or more gathered in His name, He is there in the midst. Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit, which for me is the greatest and most important message that the Messiah was to deliver, the power of the Holy Spirit. The only way you can find truth is to know the Holy Spirit.

    Even to this time, even if you can’t see and talk to God or Jesus, if you call the Holy Spirit He will come to you. And it is only knowing the Spirit that you will truly believe in God.

    In all God’s efforts to reunite his greatest and most beloved creation to Him, he interfered by destroying them, in the great flood, and the destruction of Soddom and Gommorah. What I see is, it didn’t do any good. Erk, guess God had to experiment too right? See how powerful man’s freewill is? God couldn’t predict us. For me He is not all-knowing. He couldn’t take back and won’t take back freewill, for He wants us to love Him even if we know that evil is sweet. He loves to see us do the choice. He loves to win over evil.

    We are here in this world, and we co-exist with evil, for God permits it. But after the coming of Christ, it’s a different story now than it was in the Old Testament. God’s effort has ended; God has already sent His message through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is now up to us. Back in the Old Testament men didn’t know God’s glory yet, they didn’t have the Bible to read, they didn’t have the Holy Spirit to give them truth and light.

  9. #19

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    jesus have to die... its simply because to save us from our sins...

  10. #20

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    he died because he was made of flesh and bones like all of us... and to forgive us our sins... hmmmm...

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