if the TS is really interested in joining then I guess let him try and there at least you will know the facts or some about this ancient order or brotherhood---what it has become into these days as compared during it's earlier years.
I have "looked" around about this said society, came across there some of their masonic lodges, coz there's so much mystery about them.
And if you people esp the TS though of it's just like a clique or fad you can just worm your way into joining then better think twice.
And what I've commonly heard about from common people is joining in and enjoy the privilege and perks of rubbing elbows with the elite and powerful, having the leverage, strings pulled to their favor. Or putting it more bluntly, political purposes
And I have this anecdote from an friend, though we're not close, that he travelled around the world (or some parts of it) and he didn't spent a single cent for his accommodation, but enjoyed being hosted by a "brethren" from that certain country.
Mao na siya---we'll connected ka to power!!!