I saw the honor at memo, almost buy that one yet ended buying a mediocore Hub bec my girl likes white LG.lol!
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reddish dark camera vids and shots. sluggish menu. when compared side by side in the store, bought huawei honor instead and greatly improved every aspect of the phone with latest miui rom. improved so much more the camera vids and shots when i compared vids and pics when first time bought to now. instant flashlight and music player when locked. there are other hidden tips and tricks with miui that makes huawei honor easier and versatile to use. never going back. alcatel just has bigger screen that i like so much, free screen protector and SD and the for now useless hdmi. alcatel is much much cheaper also. Now, I'm playing family computer using wiimotes on my huawei honor... having fun learning new features more and more everyday.