Think out of the box, think beyond your imagination, cast the bind of the baby elephant was conditioned to while growing up, in your heart and mind and body before you read the following. The Elephant in you has grown to be strong and better and more intelligent.
Why join OFW bank – a bank with no capital
a. Do you want to have a bank of your own and part owner where you are protected and not the interest of the capitalist, financiers and investors?
b. Do you want to have a bank that you get to share the benefits while being an OFW- depositor only?
c. Do you want to have a bank of your own that you have a voice and can share your ideas, develop a sense of security – togetherness with your fellow investors/depositors.
d. Do you want to have a bank of your own that will help you run your business, provide reasonable loan rates and nurture and guide you through your growing stage?
e. Do you want to have a bank of your own create a bond and working relationship you can run to in case of emergencies, instead of going to the loan sharks?
f. Do you want to have a bank of your own where you are insured while you are earning deposits. Banks insure those who owe them not those who deposit money. The premium for the insurance is actually paid by you and all the hidden charges that can shock the daylight out of you.
g. Do you want to have a bank that takes care of your children college assurance plan for a minimal reasonable fee? No need for too much profit, because it is your own bank.
h. Do you want to have a bank in case your business fail you’ll get a reasonable value for your collateral once disposed of by the OFW-bank? Buyers may also other OFW’s. There is no such thing a suicide sale.
i. Do you want to be a part of a bank that does not have to satisfy investors for their investments but only with reasonable returns? You are the investor and you are the reasonable investor. (Lugi ang ginansiya – for the investor ?)
j. Do you want to be part of a bank that will help you build your quality homes in quality subdivision developed by OFW-developer, financed by OFW-Bank?
k. Do you want to be part of a bank without investing anything? ZERO outlay.
l. Are you applying for a job abroad and need help and protection for your placement fee?
m. Do you want to be fully aware of your bank officers who they are and the transactions fully transparent?
n. Do you want to be fully aware of the SALN of your bank officers, their wives, as well as their children? Your bank officers are paid higher than industry standard. Transparency through the Internet will help us.
o. Do you want a bank where you can fire your bank officer after due process?
p. Do you want to be part owner of a bank whose objective is service and support as priority, profitability as second?
q. Do you want to see how your bank is being managed in “real-time” and transactions that unfold before your eyes, , access documents anytime?
r. Getting more value for your money – every time you spend, part goes back to you, you spend less, you get more value for your money…The principle is you make money work for the money
s. A bank that creates investment opportunities and stimulus for growth, it leads and supports strongly reintegration of OFW’s, what needs to be done and how to address this needs to make a seamless transition.
t. Financial and Entrepreneurial skills set development – start your own small business while you are working, your protection against job security and out-sourcing. You can fire your boss.
u. Do you want to be part of the bank that works to protect your health and not be robbed by hospitals with so much medical expenses, drug-companies and doctors. When you go out of the hospital you have so much hospital bills!!!, Paying for test and examinations, even those test that were not needed and irrelevant you had to pay for. Stay healthy through company doctors.
v. Legal and financial services and counseling - consultancy from the legal department and good Samaritans, so that you can be protected from “bullies”, those who will take advantage of your being “alone”, as MD now you are not alone
w. A bank that opens the venue and levels the “playing field” for those who are bright but do not have the money, for those who want to get involved but do not have the money but have the time, for those who want to do something for their country. A bank for the working class, creating opportunities for the working class, security (health, home and finance) for the working class.
x. A bank that has a program to turn “victims” to “victors”, we help, we share, because we are committed to grow(in love) and advance prosperity to as many as we can, we shall succeed by helping others to succeed, we not only shall find a way, we shall make a way,
y. A bank that will support “forbidden Cures” –
Fighting cancer the natural way ?? and quackery with forbidden cures - only acceptable "scientific" cure according to AMA (American Medical Association )is RADIATION, CHEMOTHERAPY, SURGERY, any other solution is QUACKERY - my goodness. What about our poor who cannot afford those expensive medical care

?. God help us, good thing we are not in America.
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - YouTube
Why can we afford all these benefits, it is because it is your OFW bank, my OFW bank, our OFW bank. We share because we care. There is no need for greed, hunger or violence, because there is more than enough for everyone. We take care of our own. With man this is impossible to achieve, with the Big-Boss in front of us nothing is impossible..
All these we undertake for the Glory of God, Fellowmen and Country.
For others, please be patient while we build up our "WISH LIST" -