pls. give some suggestions,,thanks,,=)
especially sa view ug controller nga side,,thanks=)
e klaro daw bro, mrg mahirap sabton
define what are your requirements TS, what is the purpose of making this search program? usually you can draw an idea from the table itself.
butangi og
"select * from TABLE_NAME where FIELD_NAME = '$variable' || FIELD_NAME2 = '$variable2' ";
Ingana nga type nga search? ts?
if sa code igniter
$this->db->where('FIELD_NAME', $variable1);
$this->db->where('FIELD_NAME2', $variable2);
$this->db->get_where('mytable', array('FIELD_NAME' => $id, 'FIELD_NAME2' => $variable2 ), $limit, $offset);
refer nalang sa active record sa CI ..
Active Record : CodeIgniter User Guide
Last edited by emailroy2002; 08-31-2012 at 06:40 AM.
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