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  1. #131

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    "the Christian does not think GOD loves them because they are good but GOD makes them good because HE loves them"-CS Lewis.

  2. #132

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by kiboy View Post
    kong dili mani tinoud walay mawala sa mga tao nga nitoo..but kong tinoud kinsay alkansi....but the very Word of God is 100% true just giving a thought...john 1:1 " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    this is the true Genesis... should not be taken literally... there is an encrypted real message, need a year if you have an open mind to decrypt this verse fully, don't close your mind of what is taught to you, but dig deeper

  3. #133

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by jovipeorliohacokijo View Post
    the bible should not be read/learn literally... just like our human lives
    So how? Spiritually?

    Daghan paagi pag translate sa Bibliya labi na sa New testament kay gisuwat baya na para basahun sa tawo nga naay Common sense.

  4. #134

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    So how? Spiritually?

    Daghan paagi pag translate sa Bibliya labi na sa New testament kay gisuwat baya na para basahun sa tawo nga naay Common sense.
    Jesus taught in parables... nice stories for people that have common sense but it is wisdom for his disciples and other people with higher sense

    don't rely on what is taught to you about those verses, and not even your common sense for it will be limited only to your physical life... you are reading the Holy Bible because you want to learn something for your spiritual development

    if you want physical development, then read health and business books and other academic books, but if you want spiritual development, don't just read the Holy Bible, dig deeper into those verses, no matter how long will it take as long as you will get what Jesus really wanted to teach us

    "I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong." -John Lennon

  5. #135

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Naa koy amigo he is an atheist pghuman nabasa niya ang bible ug quran. Reasonable??

  6. #136

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by jovipeorliohacokijo View Post
    Jesus taught in parables... nice stories for people that have common sense but it is wisdom for his disciples and other people with higher sense

    don't rely on what is taught to you about those verses, and not even your common sense for it will be limited only to your physical life... you are reading the Holy Bible because you want to learn something for your spiritual development

    if you want physical development, then read health and business books and other academic books, but if you want spiritual development, don't just read the Holy Bible, dig deeper into those verses, no matter how long will it take as long as you will get what Jesus really wanted to teach us

    "I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong." -John Lennon
    Mao bah?

    Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill."
    Exodus 20:15 "Thou shalt not steal."

    - unsa man daw SPIRITUAL translation ani nila if DILI natu i take LITERALLY?

  7. #137

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Butitor View Post
    Naa koy amigo he is an atheist pghuman nabasa niya ang bible ug quran. Reasonable??
    Unsay reasonable? Iya sad nang decision if unsay iyang buhaton ig human niya ug basa sa Quran or Bible.

  8. #138

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    yup.all we need is faith. hehe.

  9. #139

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Butitor View Post
    Naa koy amigo he is an atheist pghuman nabasa niya ang bible ug quran. Reasonable??
    kung igo ra niya gibasa unya wala sabta, ana jud padung kay either naa ang curse or blessing ang resulta coz its not an ordinary book!

  10. #140

    Default Re: In these troubled times, Is God's Word (the bible) still TRUE to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    Mao bah?

    Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill."
    Exodus 20:15 "Thou shalt not steal."

    - unsa man daw SPIRITUAL translation ani nila if DILI natu i take LITERALLY?
    kung imo palawman, it is all about Love, but not kanang love sa atong parents, igsoon, uyab, asawa, pet... unconditional love... same love taught by Moses and Jesus from God... your spirit know well about it but not your physical senses

    "Love your neighbor as yourself."

    "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you."

    "Love is the Law, Love under Will.
    Love and compassion must be the Foundation of Will."

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