This Items were given as a gift washed but never been use..
contact me if interested 09226582381

Disney winnie the pooh blouse 3 to 6 months - 80 pesos

green Checkered Miki House Dress Fits 5 mos onwards - 75 pesos

Gerber Sleep Sack ( good for Newborn babies) - 75 pesos

Pink Summer Swaddle me(small to medium) - 200 pesos

Carters Yellow frogsuit can fit 3 months onwards (small size) - 75 pesos

diaper cloth gamit kaau if mgka diaper rash c baby or papahuwayun sa diaper I have couple of this..50 pesos each
Carters yellow green Onesie 3 months onwards (Brand new) -100 pesos
orange unisex okidokie onesie 0 to 3 months( Brand new) - 120 pesos

Baby GAP dress Newborn onwards - 100 pesos

Carters dress 6 months brand new - 120 pesos

carters pink frogsuit (brand new) 0 to 3 months - 120 pesos

gymboree frogsuit ( brand new) 0 to 3 months - 120 pesos
Items are Negotiable Contact 09226582381