wla p mga imba rig s lista lagi..
unsa ni cya TS?contest?
August 10, 2012 ---
- Updated Front Page with Complete Details (or is it complete enough?)
- Questions please do post it here.
- List also updated to reflect "confirmed" attendees, others are still pending contact or declined or backed-out.
- Updated THREAD TITLE, no longer reflects the misleading "Computer Rig Show" title. Now states the EVENT title.
Sir, ok ra mu ask?? unsay requirement sa rig? like dapat 23" ang monitor nya ledor minimum video card?? or processor?
@Conrad: actually wala'y requirement, as long as maka padagan lang ug Starcraft II...![]()
36 Ryan Uy - Layanichi (Dcwired.Net - Davao City) - Withdraw
37 Bernard Geveso - BKG (Dcwired.Net - Davao City) - Withdraw
Cannot come due to conflicting circumstances. We hope to join next time. More power to your event. We will wait for the pics.=) Thank you.
Sent email to the organizers.
Update List: 8/10/2012.
1 Elmer Salupan - pinoy
2 Arthur James Malgapo - jimmy128
3 Albert Abucay - albert967
4 Marvin Sanchez- akomao
5 Earl Evan Amante - earlamante
6 Unagi Kabayaki
7 Jefferson Ouano
8 Renaire Lopez
9 Ricky Ogtip - brogits
10 Ivan Dominic Aballe - stufguy
11 Prince Andrew - sky89
12 Earl Benson Ong Teves - EarlZ
13 Paolo Abadesco
14 Lito Chiu Inso - CrashBURN
15 Stanly Inso
16 Michael Cabiguin - mike1293
17 James Yutangco - amary_17
18 Rey Kristofer Cabanilla
19 Bryan Inso
20 Kevin Jan Goc-ong
21 Binbin Tacdoro
22 Joseph Rendon - dark_humbz
23 Brian Chuck Baniel - BrianBCBF
24 Klint John Abella - daotski
25 Ken Hubahib - khubahib
26 Danton Adarna - danton
27 Arvin Branzuela - archt_vin
28 Paul de Guzman - Hitachi_paul
29 Vince Delicano - bytebandit02
30 Cresrenir Lim - sioti49
31 Jaru Obenza - kinumot
32 Eissel Henrey Pelayo - tSUB
33 Elton Jeff Bulotano - xEight8
34 Isaac Manubag - isaacrobot
35 Ralph Victor Yap - tiger_yap8
36 Luis David Rodriguez Picornell -ispanairdz
@Layan: Hi Boss Layan, received and responded to your email accordingly.![]()
swerteha s mduwa ug tournament oi rig mn ilng gmiton hehe..igo ra ni htod ang tag iya
na usab lagi ang name ?
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