maybe the TS is currently so engrossed with his PC playing C&C Red Alert.. joke lang!
maybe the TS is currently so engrossed with his PC playing C&C Red Alert.. joke lang!
HAARP, China, Russia
And The Moon
From Bruce Beach
Here is a throwaway line that I just read:
"The deployment of a Navy destroyer in the Sea of Japan will coincide with the U.S. military's plan to put on alert several ground-based interceptor missiles at Fort Greely, Alaska, by September."
Why does the destroyer 'coincide' with the missiles? Because the destroyer does the targeting for the missiles.
And why are the missiles there?
Not because of North Korea - but because they are the defense against Russia and China for the new Alaskan 225 Antenna HAARP Range that is to come on-line in October.
And why does the US say to China - "We are not going to let you go to the moon"?
Because that is the High Ground that could knock out the HAARP Range?
And why would Russia or China want to knock out the HAARP Range?
Because he who controls HAARP controls the world. Literally - not figuratively. By that I don't mean that they control it militarily. By that I don't mean that they control it economically. By that I don't mean that they control it socially. By that I don't mean that they control it monetarily. By that I mean that they control it literally, because they would control the weather.
He who controls the weather - also controls the world, militarily, economically, socially, monetarily, completely.
With HAARP they are supposed to be able to affect the Ionosphere and move the jet streams about at will - determining drought or floods wherever desired in the world.
Even if they can't - it will make everyone mad at them, because they will blame their bad weather on them. The weather will never satisfy everyone. One person will want picnic and parade when another is wanting their crops watered. One will want more snow for the slopes of their ski resort while another is wanting to cut back on the snow removal costs.
One man's flood causes another man's drought. (You stole all the rain out of our clouds!) Boy! Want to make the world mad at you - control the weather.
But aside from that little side effect - the Russians and Chinese greatest fear is that the US is about to make a technological breakthrough that will allow it to control the world - in every way- and once it is in place - there will be no stopping it.
September, you say. (Missiles ready). October, you say. (HAARP ready). November, you say. (Election already).
Then the Chinese and Russians think - well, if Bush wins in November - there is no stopping him - "Look out - rest of the Axis of Evil". Regime change in North Korea. Regime change in North Iran. Regime change in Cuba. Regime change in -----. Where do you draw the line?
But, if it looks like Bush might lose in November - then maybe something 'pre-emptive' on his part might be in order in October. A real October surprise.
It is best to pre-empt the pre-empt. So better for Bush to be ready in September. And the pre-empt for that would be August.
Nope - I don't think anyone is going to do anything - intentionally. But circumstances build.
What is going to be happening in Iraq? Will everything settle down there - and the bombings cease - and the Americans quietly leave by June 30th? I don't think so.
Meanwhile - over there in Israel / Palestine - will things just get calmer and calmer, now that they have gotten rid of the Hamas leader? I don't think so.
And of course, North Korea could just roll over like Kadaffi. But, I don't think so.
Afghanistan and Pakistan (and India) - may just all become sweetness and light- and a dozen other such situations about the world may all just smooth out - but - on the other hand - they may not, and any one of them could start a local conflict that could escalate and bring in the Big Boys, who could possibly conclude - it is now - or never.
There ARE people among those countries' military leadership who have said that they think that way. So, I am not saying a thought - that no one else has thought.
To me - this is the RISK. Forget - suitcase nukes - train station terrorists - homeland defense and all the rest. But - it makes no difference what I think - the question is - what do the Russians and Chinese think. What do they think - that Bush thinks. Forget about what Bush thinks - the important thing is what the Russians and Chinese think - that Bush thinks.
But of course to you - it is a matter of what you think.
Do you think that HAARP is real? You might be interested to know that it is patented. Patent numbers 4,686,605 and 5,038,664 You can read about the patents here:
And for the 1990 original description of HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (HAARP) look at:
Just one more thing for most people to not worry about. Your government knows best and is looking out for you. Or not.
Peace and love, Bruce
From Michael Goodspeed
Dear Jeff -
After reading the comments of Mr. Beach on your site, I am compelled to share with you an entirely anecdotal account of an experience I had last summer in Mesa, AZ.
While staying at a short-term rental apartment in Mesa, I met a man who claimed to have worked on a "missile defense project" at Fort Greely, Alaska. He claimed that the real purpose of this "project" was not to guard against nuclear attack...but rather to serve as the last line of defense against a doomsday asteroid. He claimed that our government is not only aware of an imminent asteroid threat, but they have even set a date for its inevitable arrival -- September 29th, 2004. He also stated that the asteroid has been named "St. Michael", in accordance with the Celtic holiday, observed on the 29th.
It is my understanding that most scientists do not believe a nuclear missile would effectively "deflect" an enormous asteroid, and when I pointed this out to this person, he replied, "It is better to get hit with buck shot than a slug."
I am aware of possible logical flaws in this man's assertion...but for whatever it is worth, he seemed sincere, and he had nothing to gain by deliberately lying to me.
Reply To David Smith's comment
From Michael Goodspeed
David Smith wrote:
"HAARP is an antenna array, not a "particle beam weapon" or a "magic defense sheild". Your ex-neighbor/military grunt (and you for believing him) is completely naive to believe that it could possibly protect Earth from an asteroid (change weather yes, a different order of magnitude problem from changing the orbit of a trillion ton object in the heavens).
P.S. This is why the clueless shouldn't do things like vote!"
Uh, first of all David, my "friend/acquaintance" had NOTHING to say about HAARP. Did you even read my comments? He claimed that nuclear missiles would be used to try and fend off an asteroid, a claim which I CLEARLY STATED I was dubious of. And you automatically assume that I took his word as the truth. Nope. I only believe (as I CLEARLY STATED) that it was worthy of examination.
Sorry, David, but your comments indicate why reactionary people who form opinions without paying attention to any facts shouldn't do things like open their mouths.
HAARP, China, Russia And The Moon
dba sa US mn ng HAARP?
not true at all. its plain bogus.
nindot unta to og naa jud kana official na site nga nag publish para klaro jud bah.
tanawon nya nko ang manga videos later.
is this your original account SoulDoctor?
seriously though, regardless if it's true, way mabuhat ang pobreng pinas ana...amen lolo lang gyud gihapon ta ni uncle sam...
Wala gani ka pugong ang china sa typhoon ni igo nila ron, then magtira2x sad noun sila.. for LoL..
dapat lagi sa science section ni cya para naa daghan critical minds manggawas didto.
pure hearsay
From what i've read sa internet, according sa US defense, gamit ni nila sa communications sa ilahang mga Submarines, ilahang ipasaka ang height sa ionosphere arun layo ug maabtan ang ilahang radio waves through ionospheric propagation... Ang kaning mga istorya about earthquakes, kay gimugna ra na sa mga Conspiracy Theorist....The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Maayo pang ibalhin ni sa General Discussion...
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