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  1. #1

    Lightbulb DREAMS...What they may mean...

    To those who may be interested...
    Just want to share...I've been receiving emails of dream interpretations and have kept them in my inbox for quiet some time now and have only read a few of them.
    Will try to post a couple of them a day.
    Please feel free to contribute if you also have...Thanks.

    By the way, dili ko dream interpreter ha...these are just my old files I'm trying to share.

    Mods, I've tried to search if a similar thread already exists but found nothing. You may merge this if there's already an existing one. Or transfer to the appropriate Topic Folder if necessary. Thanks.
    Last edited by hlongimanus; 08-18-2012 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...

    Spiritual Icons

    Dreaming of spiritual or religious icons often reflects either power or unity. We want to feel united with the universe, and icons are a good way to symbolize that identification. Other times, you may dream of being in a situation where supernatural power is required to resolve the conflict. In this case, icons serve as the vehicle or symbol of that power.
    There are countless icon images available to all humans. The ones you find in your dreams will relate to your experience in life. (Some examples are: the crucifix, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, and the Buddha.)
    Last edited by hlongimanus; 08-08-2012 at 09:39 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...


    Think of the gate in larger terms as an opening in a boundary or secured area where one is not normally allowed access.
    Is the gate locked or unlocked? Do you have to open it or is it opened for you? Depending on your answers, these questions may reveal some level of tension concerning an opportunity that may exist for you.What is inside the gate: a building, a sacred or taboo place, or a place of tranquillity and safety? You may see yourself going to such a place alone or with a helper for some kind of ritual experience.
    If you go through the gate with somebody, it may herald that a relationship in your life is moving on to a different level (for good or bad).
    Are you at a loss for opportunities, or do you feel prevented from making progress towards a particular goal? The gate may reflect potential progress, or the hope thereof, depending upon where it leads in your dream.
    Last edited by hlongimanus; 08-08-2012 at 09:39 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...

    Proper dream interpretation can not be dissected into finite elements and application of discrete symbolism as such.

  5. #5

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...

    unsa kahay damgo sa tawng utangan nuh?

  6. #6
    C.I.A. icon_king's Avatar
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    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...

    Quote Originally Posted by brian joshua View Post
    unsa kahay damgo sa tawng utangan nuh?
    mao nay tawagna wet dreams hehehehe

  7. #7

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...

    mora dream mana sa mga hubog bro.. kanang naka ihi sa banig..

    Quote Originally Posted by icon_king View Post
    mao nay tawagna wet dreams hehehehe

  8. #8

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...

    naa diay meaning ani dreams...naay dictionary ani?

  9. #9

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...


    Although we rarely dream of boundaries per se, we often encounter uncrossable fences, immovable gates, and other non-traversable obstacles. A Freudian approach would be to discern what might be gained by overcoming the barrier and then attempting to associate that gain with a taboo event. If you have any helpers to get you over, through, or under your obstacle, they may be co-conspirators in the violation-or, your joint conquest of the obstacle may be the taboo in itself.
    Depending on whether the taboo is anger, ***, or another violation, you may need to look closely at your feelings about what is on the other side of the fence, across the river, or whatever the obstacle is.
    It can be an eerie feeling to encounter a boundary where either you feel unable to go past or your dream companions keep reminding you that nobody goes over there. It may be that the perceived threat or inability to cross the boundary is the central message of the dream.
    Perhaps you see yourself as needing to move through a transition into a new self-awareness. In this case, the boundary may reveal what is hindering you. This is especially true if you are traveling too heavily to cross a river, or have companions who will not cross with you. If you have dream companions helping you with whatever boundary you face, it may be worth heeding their dream advice. Often times, we feel that a fence must be crossed when in fact the protection they provide is important.
    While boundaries may feel constricting at times, the psychological pain of attempting to cross every boundary in life can cause great problems that could have been avoided by knowing when to stop.
    Last edited by hlongimanus; 08-08-2012 at 09:40 AM.

  10. #10

    Default Re: DREAMS...What they may mean...


    Divorce is an excessive commodity now days. A first grader recently said, My parents haven't gotten their divorce yet. Unfortunately, divorce has translated from a social taboo to a rite of passage.
    Often, it symbolizes anxiety concerning insincere commitment from a partner or underlying resentment toward a partner. It may be represented by other significant persons in your life going through the divorce as a displacement of your anxiety over the matter.
    Do you have relationships that are very tiring or emotionally draining? Perhaps you are wanting to get someone out of your life, but lack the diplomacy skills to address the situation.
    Last edited by hlongimanus; 08-08-2012 at 09:40 AM.

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