Items sold! TY
Good afternoon, I'm selling my used but not abused items.
Please text me at * for your queries or offers.
3 days personal warranty.
I get to choose to whom the product gets sold to.
Items' compatibility is your (buyer) responsibility.
4GBx1 Kingston 1333 ddr3 ---------------
Bought last 4/26/12 as a temporary ram as I slowly upgraded to LGA1155)
No more receipt because I gave it to the person who bought my temporary motherboard (bought the temporary components together at Nutech).
CM V8 CPU cooler (defective INTEL bracket, lost 1 screw)
used and opened TT Thermal Paste
Bought 2 years ago for my non-overclocking rig.
sold ---
see update below!
8/10/12 update, be advised!!!
I was about to clean it yesterday then I noticed that I
lost 1 screw and one side of the Intel brackets is
stuck to
LGA775 so I decided to
lower the price down to
1.4k (fixed). The AMD bracket is
fine. Aside from the ones mentioned above,
no other defects were found. Thank God the deal last Tuesday didn't push through, magkagubot unta.
RFS: Finally finished my LGA1155 rig. Have to sell what was replaced para makabawi gamay.