They are just few of the many people who have been naturally cured by this Powerful Product.
I'veonly been taking intra for 3 weeks and I have noticed the Eczema onmy hands is clearing up dramatically and my complexion issmoother.
Testimonial to Intra from MALCOM MONEYCheshire
Aftersuffering extreme pain and discomfort for 5 years I was diagnosed assuffering from Spondylosis. There was no treatment only painkillersto make the pain bearable. The difficulty walking, loss of use of myhands, loss of feeling and numbness together with the Angina I alsosuffered with made getting around almost impossible so I acquired abattery operated 3 wheel invalid scoota. After taking intra for only12 weeks I have experienced unbelievable results, I can now walkunaided. I am pain free and the numbness is receding fast. I haveactually sold my scoota because I no longer need it. My resultsencouraged my husband Stewart to try intra to see if it would helpwith the Asthma he has suffered from for 12 years. Within 8 weeks hiscondition has improved He is breathing a lot better and has lessfrequent attacks A bonus is that Stewart's dry flaking skin has nowreturned to normal.
Testimonial to Intra fromShirley and Stewart Foulds, Devonshire
Migrainehas been my problem for years. I started taking intra 3 months agoand have not suffered an attack since. I have literally forgotten howpainful my life used to be. My energy level has also improved.
My2 year old son had eczema on his arms and legs. It was so severe onhis legs that every time we took his nappies off he would scratchhimself until he bled. After taking just 1/2oz of intra each morningfor just 2 weeks his eczema disappeared.
Testimonial toIntra from Richard Samuels, Lancs
I'vesuffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis for fifteen years. I've beendischarged from two hospitals because they were unable to relieve thepain or improve my, mobility - all the medical profession could offerwas anti *inflammatory drugs, which I have taken for the past tenyears and a surgical belt which I wore to help ease the pain in thelower part of my spine. Even so it would take me between one to twohours to lift myself out of bed because the pain was so excruciatingearly in the morning.
I started taking intra on August 19th1993 and within 10 days all my pain had gone and I was off allmedication.
My wife used to worry each time I left the housealone because I was so unsteady on my feet that I was at risk justwalking across the road and on busy pavements. I am pleased to saythat I now walk and stand well and no longer need my surgical belt assupport. I bounce out of bed in the mornings and no longer face therisk of losing my job because of ill health.
And as ifthat's not enough good news for one family I must tell you about myson Dominic aged twelve.
Since he was three years oldDominic has been attending hospital regularly for treatment foreczema. Nothing has helped his condition until I gave him some of myintra. Within 4 days his skin was clear. Thank youLifestyles.
Testimonial to Intra from T. ChrisCleckner, Middlesex
Ihave suffered with Psoriasis for over 10 years and have during thatperiod been prescribed a whole host of preparations and creams by mydoctor. None of these have had more than a short term effect.
Afteronly 3 weeks of taking intra I have noticed a remarkable improvementespecially on my scalp. I would estimate that the psoriasis has beenreduced by over 60% already and I see the condition being completelyalleviated within 2 months.
Testimonial to Intra fromTOM CRAWFORD, Merseyside
WhenI was first intro*duced to intra I was sceptical about itspowers, but I will try anything once and after only one week I vowedthat my fridge would never be without a bottle of intra.
Intraisa Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – how such a harmless looking drinkcould contain such awesome powers, is unbe*lievable.
Anounce a day has cured my five year prob*lem of headaches. Anounce a day has helped me sleep better, for shorter periods.
Anounce a day has given me more energy and stamina.
An ounce aday has increased my levels of concentration.
An ounce a dayhas helped me give up smok*ing cigarettes.
An ounce aday really does make a world of difference.
Testimonialto Intra from ANDY HARWOOD, Devon
(Asthma,Migraine, and nasal problems disappear)
In bringing upchildren one tends to put up with and accept many conditions. OurBenzi (6) suffers from Asthma and takes large puffs of Intal andPulmicort with varying effect. We accepted the situation, simplybecause we didn't have a choice. On arrival of the Kosher certifiedintra the effect was stunning, after only a few days Benzi asked onlyfor intra -'its much better than the inhaler' he said. Our Esther(16) similarly puts up with migraine. We had discovered the trigger -lack of sleep (being a bad sleeper) - but not the cause. Esthar nowsays 'I put my head down, and I go out like a light'. Her sound sleephas changed her life. Finally, our Moshe David (14) has suffered froma chronically runny nose since he was a tiny baby. Nothing has helped- not nosesprays, nor freezing of the nasal lining, nor special dietuntil intra. In the short time he has been taking intra the problemhas almost completely cleared up. Unfortunately, due to the immediatebenefits experienced, our supply of intra was exhausted quicker thananticipated and in the intermediate days before a new bottle arrived,all the unpleasant symptoms returned.
Thank G-d forintra.
Testimonial to Intra from DEVORAHLEITNER, Lancashire