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Thread: 3DS user thread

  1. #211

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Pila pa kaha ka years mo labay sah.. pra ma complete Jailbreak na gyud ni nga System..

  2. #212

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    I'm satisfied with my 3DS with nyko powerpak+, but the 3DS XL looks very tempting. How much do you think it'll cost here? I'm guessing 14k.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaBherd View Post
    Pila pa kaha ka years mo labay sah.. pra ma complete Jailbreak na gyud ni nga System..
    I hope the 3DS never gets hacked.

    If it ever does, I hope it''ll only happen near the end of the console's life, or only after the successor of the console is revealed. Even though 3DS sales have been phenomenal, software market hasn't matured yet.

  3. #213

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    Wala pay Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure sa ayala or SM noh? excited na unta kaayo ko...

  4. #214

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    wala Heroes of Ruin pa murag gi pakyaw mga stocks sa manila; bahaw ra ato diri sa cebu.

    quick review for heroes of Ruin:
    Its a good game but not that great ok kaayo ang online; I have not tried the voice chat though. Think of a portable version of Diablo but with voice chat and stereoscopic mode.

    On 3ds security:
    Maglisud og hack kay the system updates add new security features and add features to your 3ds. Nintendo and Sony may have learned from their mistake (wii and psp) on security features for their system.

    Naa mi meet up sa Ayala once or twice at month it would nice if you guys can join. My estimate for 3ds xl should be around the 12k range.
    Last edited by mraljoriz; 07-26-2012 at 11:58 PM.

  5. #215

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    I dunno if this is the correct thread for this but I am in need of desperate help.

    Mario kart 7 = a communication error has occured OR 006-0612
    I have a 3mbps globe connection (modem/router) , 1 tp link router, 1 linksys router with dd-wrt
    No matter what I do, it never lets me play online.

    Things that I've done:

    -3Ds Static IP + DMZ Static IP
    -Changed to WEP
    -a thing that I've read to capitalize the first letter of your wireless password
    -no wireless security
    -cascaded both globe modem/router + tp link router OR linksys router
    -turned off router firewall
    -i may have forgotten some other stuff but believe me, i tried everything

    I am guessing the problem is with my modem/router... I can play sa SM or at my GF's place, without any problems. I have 3 other modem/routers that I tried to use but to no avail. Any thoughts

  6. #216

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    change it to WPA instead of WEP
    try using auto IP address and DNS server.

  7. #217

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    change it to WPA instead of WEP
    try using auto IP address and DNS server.

  8. #218

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    i did that already...countless times i tell you...for some reason, mkaduwa ko kung buhaton nako ang all of the above stuff that i already mentioned... but i have to do everything and i mean everything for me to play... oh well, at least i get to play at home... i need em golden kart parts

  9. #219

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    naa nay rhythm thief sa datablitz sa yala... rhythm heaven meets elite beat agents

  10. #220

    Default Re: 3DS user thread

    thnx for the headsup just called naa jud 1250 daw KUNO ang price, I will definitely RUN to ayala ... Can we just meet on the 2nd saturday of august sa sm? It would be nice to play with more than 3 people if possible.
    Last edited by mraljoriz; 07-27-2012 at 10:34 AM.

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